Yeah, so yesterday I met Jill Stein. I cannot remember the last time I was that happy. We sat for a lil over 20 minutes at a conference for Women in Criminal Justice. I sat in on a conference hosted by her and Kerry Healey (Massachusetts Lieutenant Governor). Ive been invited to a meeting on Oct. 9th regarding tax rhetorical and pushing legislation for proper...
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Actually, his name is Jesse...weird. How do you know him? I'll do the same for you(friends list...)
that is the funniest thing i've heard all week....did you get to bitch at him for being late???
yeah, so I have this monday night class called "State & Local Government" What it should really be called is "Hooray for America!!" My professor is this old ass Marine who clearly still has concerns about queers, commies and long hairs. 1/2 of the 30 odd folks in the class are over 40, and are in no mood to have political debate. The mention of...
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i'd have to drop that class faster than dubya could say strategery. my bush loathing would boil so hot my eyes would pop. that and i don't have a large enough sac to take on an ex leatherneck.

You should check out this website, it's very amusing~
Went to go see The Magdalene Sisters tonight @ Kendall Square...what a fucking trip....Fuck Catholicism ARRR!!!

John Ritter went too damn soon..... frown
I drank too much blackeyed
oh word....nuffin to report today, and no one to report it to. as much as I hate "the hip-hop", my good buddy is spinning at a club in boston tonight, so it is my duty to show up and kick it with he and his, i must go and gear up for that excitement. Short of that, fuckin nothing. Leave so love...or at the very...
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oh, how very clever my dear.
no i was serious. sorry if i sounded sarcastic. it was clever, very clever. and your pic is rockin. so all is ok.
have yall ever noticed that the group that leftist politics tries to help (lower middle class workers) often seem the least receptive to its platforms??

I was trying to erxplain to a contractor at work today how President Bush's tax cuts for business' have hampered him more than the "immigrant workforce" he was bitching about, and he just stared at me blaknly...you know that he...
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i know the random hook up thang is no good.. it's been going on since we broke up over a year ago! i'm weak and needy right now. he leaves in about a week, and if all goes according to plan, his car will blow up on his drive/move to OH and he will die and so will stupid rich fat ass girlfriend...oh my god.. i just blurted out my murder plan. must re-plan now...have a good day! Oh and thanks for the compliment...that is the most recent pic. wink
hey, thanks for leaving a comment in my journal, couldn't reply until now because i've been busy playing KotOR. Oops. I've actually neglected all aspects of my life except for work because of it. Well. I don't really have any other aspects of my life anyway so i suppose it doesn't matter. (insert some sort of emoticon here that is cute and amusing)
I dont wanna start Skool this week...The summer was too short, and books are going to be too expensive. Its rough being a 22 years old sophomore. Three of my best friends just graduated college this past semester, and two of them have already landed full time teaching positions. Kinda makes you feel inadequate. Traveling around after high school was not totally without merit, however....
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thanks for the comment...i mean, who doesn't like cats and books? i'll tell you, a waste of human life. hehe.
thanks for the comment...i mean, who doesn't like cats and books? i'll tell you, a waste of human life. hehe.
When the fuck did the scene become so elitist?

When did tight pants, baseball T's & shaggy haircuts become more important than the music & the message?

When did we become the cool kids?

Why did we allow it??

Does anyone remember life before the Atari's & Sing The Sorrow?

How about the time before empTyV whored our music and our culture?

The other day...
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i also wonder about 'the scene.' where i live it's pretty catty. i thought it was all about the music and message, too. guess i was wrong. norma jean and beloved are going to be playing a show here in sept, but alas.. i will be on vacation in sunny california, away from all that hinders my spirit! hum de dummm...
I guess there has to be a first time for everything, so here it is. But if no one is reading this, is their any purpose to posting at all????

Saturdays nights are hardpressed to get more exciting than tonight. Rice Pilaf and The Independent Film Channel....WooHoo!!

This Fucking New England weather is completely teasing me. The days are terribly humid and miserable, but the...
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well i'm reading this..it's saturday and i'm home and let me tell you there is some excitement going on here...okay i lied. yes, october, or better yet, september 24th (financial aid baby!) have a good sleep!