la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d
la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d
la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d
la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d
la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d la-di-d...
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aiuto meno male che sei mio amico e non mio nemico!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! brutta la vita dei lavoratori vero? allora vero che la vita di oggi ti aliena..... magari te pi degli altri! robot
What inspires this kind of entry?
I've thought of writing the word "fuck" over and over again.
hey maledetti , yo damned

monday I'm gonna see Billy Corgan,

so curious & eccitato bla bla.

I'm always in my WoodyAllenAddicted , every day

every day sushi & Woody and bla bla

bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla...
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tres fantastique
porta woody
se il sushi non viene a noi, noi andremo al sushi!
uomo del caldo
pare che woody abbia tirato pacco e si sia mangiato il sushi.

smile frown whatever confused love mad wink eeek shocked tongue surreal biggrin blush kiss blackeyed puke skull robot ARRR!!! EL SUICIDO LOCO oink bok miao!! ooo aaa smile frown whatever confused love mad wink eeek shocked tongue surreal biggrin blush kiss blackeyed puke skull robot ARRR!!! EL SUICIDO LOCO oink bok miao!! ooo aaa smile frown whatever confused love mad wink eeek shocked tongue surreal biggrin blush kiss blackeyed puke skull robot ARRR!!! EL SUICIDO LOCO oink bok miao!! ooo aaa smile frown whatever confused love mad wink eeek shocked tongue surreal biggrin blush kiss blackeyed puke skull robot ARRR!!! EL SUICIDO LOCO oink bok miao!! ooo aaa smile frown whatever confused love mad wink eeek shocked tongue surreal biggrin blush kiss blackeyed puke skull robot ARRR!!! EL SUICIDO LOCO oink bok miao!! ooo aaa smile frown whatever confused love mad wink eeek shocked tongue surreal biggrin blush kiss blackeyed puke skull robot ARRR!!! EL SUICIDO LOCO oink bok miao!! ooo aaa smile frown whatever confused love mad wink eeek shocked tongue surreal biggrin blush kiss blackeyed puke skull robot ARRR!!! EL SUICIDO LOCO oink bok miao!! ooo aaa smile frown whatever confused love mad wink eeek shocked tongue surreal biggrin blush kiss blackeyed puke skull robot ARRR!!! EL SUICIDO LOCO oink bok miao!! ooo aaa smile frown whatever confused love mad wink eeek shocked tongue surreal biggrin blush kiss blackeyed puke skull robot ARRR!!! EL SUICIDO LOCO oink bok miao!! ooo aaa smile frown whatever confused love mad wink eeek shocked tongue surreal biggrin blush kiss blackeyed puke skull robot ARRR!!! EL SUICIDO LOCO oink bok miao!! ooo aaa smile frown whatever confused love mad wink eeek shocked tongue surreal biggrin blush kiss blackeyed puke skull robot ARRR!!! EL SUICIDO LOCO oink bok miao!! ooo aaa smile frown whatever confused love mad wink eeek shocked tongue surreal biggrin blush kiss blackeyed puke skull robot ARRR!!! EL SUICIDO LOCO oink bok miao!! ooo aaa smile frown whatever confused love mad wink eeek shocked tongue surreal biggrin blush kiss blackeyed puke skull robot ARRR!!! EL SUICIDO LOCO oink bok miao!! ooo aaa smile frown whatever confused love mad wink eeek shocked tongue surreal biggrin blush kiss blackeyed puke skull robot ARRR!!! EL SUICIDO LOCO oink bok miao!! ooo aaa smile frown whatever confused love mad wink eeek shocked tongue surreal biggrin blush kiss blackeyed puke skull robot ARRR!!! EL SUICIDO LOCO oink bok miao!! ooo aaa smile frown whatever confused love mad wink eeek shocked tongue surreal biggrin blush kiss blackeyed puke skull robot ARRR!!! EL SUICIDO LOCO oink bok miao!! ooo aaa smile frown whatever confused love mad wink eeek shocked tongue surreal biggrin blush kiss blackeyed puke skull robot ARRR!!! EL SUICIDO LOCO oink bok miao!! ooo aaa smile frown whatever confused love mad wink eeek shocked tongue surreal biggrin blush kiss blackeyed puke skull robot ARRR!!! EL SUICIDO LOCO oink bok miao!! ooo aaa
skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull
thats made me queasy
Grey morning in Milan,as usual.
I've spent the mornig at Triennale,an ancient building
lost in Parco Sempione.Basically it's a multisala-museum,
with a nice bookshop and a fabuloso bar inside.
A slow coffee.
A brief visit to Gaetano Pesce exibition,a total chaos.
It was funny see Rem Koolhaas and Petra Blasse around,buying jwellery design by GP.
Then,stupid shopping session in Muji and a huge one
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Happy Birthday Sweetiepie !
Happy Bday!!! kiss
someone has my I-pod.
not me.
it's such a material item but...hurts,brutta eva.
frown ohhhhhhhhhhh ma che te l'hanno fregato?
maledetti che peste li colga
frown ohhhhhhhhhhh ma che te l'hanno fregato?
maledetti che peste li colga
w gli occhi di caramella.
support candy-eyes movement.
Next March there'll be mine expo in a small shop,
in Florence.I've to think about a
t-shirt with my tag and my paintigs on.Any suggestions?

The first 2 comments will receive one of 'em.maybe.

Nick Name

next week s-e-w.com issue N 5 will be on!
YEeeeEEeEEah!...ho vinto!...facile!....quella e' una caramella???...e' grandissima..ma riuscirei a mangiarmela!.....tu alla fine te la sei mangiata?...
nn ho capito cosa esporrai....dimmi di piu' ...
kiss miao!!
mandami un disegno dell'idea!...o vorresti propio un'altra cosa?.....e poi come lavori?.....dio, io sono NIco...fammi la faccia di NicoNicoNicoNico...
che fai? miao!!

my baby's finally on-line:

check www.s-e-w.com

The last issue (4) talks about Body Modifications,
close to SG clubbers lifestyle.
The past issues have different themes,buona visione.


Nick Name
WAAAAAAH!!....ma che idiota romanticosa sono!!!..e io che ti immagginavo tutto felice,piangente commosso tenerissimo papino!...mavaff!!!....mo me vedo tutto poi ti diro' che ne penso..ma adesso nn mi fai piu' tenerezza....mh!.... surreal
kiss miao!!
bella foto!.... tongue ..sei un simpaticone tu eh?.... surreal miao!!
Today 1/2 ok , I can realize that I speak less now.
When I was 19 I used to talk a lot, with friends and
the others.Now I'm very polite expecially when I meet
strangers,like on train or subway.I use to smile.
But it means a negative reaction with the people
I know.I'm terribly methereopathic..Finally Xmas's
over .Santa Claus is still in my oven.
hey tnx for the mail. i'll reply to you as soon as these fuckers will check what the fuck is wrong with my outlok express.

argh _
...allora!....nn hai nulla da dire neanche del tuo viaggio?...in questo periodo parlo poco anche io....eppure sono una chiaccherona!....per fortuna le feste sono finite, ed aspetto con ansia le giornate di sole!....nn ce la faccio piu' con sto buio invernale!.... miao!!
Hai mai ascoltato Cloud 9? G.Harrison , intendo.
E' un album spietatamente anni '80,ma fa parte di
me ed arriv a casa per caso.Ero alle medie,che