Brujo & Coma usually dress so 60's and goin' aroud with 'em is different.But last Monday they were all day long in my flat,Milano.Smoking and talking about old pop artists.I came back home late,from the studio.I was a little bit down and tired; a quick pizza + drinks + stuff advanced Nick Cave concert.Was crowded and dark but suggestive,like months ago.At the end, I came...
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Tomorrow Nick Cave here.
Today Warhol and exibitions but a bad mobile-phone-discussion with old akins
turned me off in a parenticide mood.It's
just sad,I'm not afraid about it anymore;
such a boring-static period.
My flat is always full of people it seems a
friendly hostell,makes me alive.
I've to admit to myself that's a prosaic
way to survive and to feel something.
At the end...
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mmm...I l-o-v-e Nick Cave and Andy Warhol. Right now, I'd give anything to be feeling better enough to be surrounded by wonderful people. What's your "mag"? Is it a zine? How would one go about ordering a copy?
I've book the fly to NYC next 4th of Dec.
Random trip,random period.
... I've reserved my departure fly
as well.
...mai andato prima a new york?......
forse ci andro a vivere....vediamo un po' come mi vanno le cose quest'anno.... whatever
...che ci vai a fare?....


Watch out, Barbie. Theres a new girl in toy town, and she doesnt have long blonde hair or a waist the diameter of a dime.

Her name is Razanne, and with her flowing clothes and traditional Muslim head scarf called a hijab, shes putting a Livonia company on the map by creating dolls targeted to Muslim girls.

Razanne (pronounced RUH-zanne)...
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i like all kids of dolls

here are many big secrets with Coca-Cola. Naturally, the monopoly press, with their financial and espionage hang-ups and conflicts of interest, are certainly in no position to ever tell you about it.

Since started several decades after the American Civil War, what was it that made Coca-Cola so popular? There were already plenty of drinks that could have been more popular.

The answer is...
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we might live in a better world than we think
that was really interesting. now, do you have by chance any info on amphetamines in cigarettes?

i already knew it
ciao ciao

what's the meaning of FUTURE planning?
who cares about a blurred-middle-age life?
I will ask help to my friends,anyway.
I'll spend just the last months in this city,
then I'll travel like Sampei ,around,,fishing.
I really hate the sea and the sun and people
from the beach life and people from Ibiza as
well but I miss to go out alone in the...
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Le tigre + stecca artigiani with Maci & Laure,
such a nice friendship.Today pigiama-alone-party
all day long, it's autumn and my metereopathic
condition brings me on the floor,,,,swimming on the
floor! and my cat 's ready to attack,he thinks I'm
the biggest fish of the house,swimming on the
floor,with my white stripes pigiama.
Big chance : Venice,followin' my aspired
Urban Research Masterclass.They called
me just yesterday, So confused .
3 years in Venice. I'd better reach Rainbow
Club tomorrow night : Le Tigre in concert.
I need time to think about.
Anyway, Amanda and Janae left my flat
two days ago,they came back to US. The
last roomate is Adriano,from Brasil.
Right now: him,Emily,Sarah,Marion,Gabriel.
I'm tired and sick about this weather I really prefer my sunny winter.
Sunny winter where're you?
Milan's boring my Vespa 'r broken
and in my flat we're too many.
I've painted recently.
Best album : Nurse,sonic youth.
grazie per i commenti sui disegni. anche e me piacciono di pi perch sono quelli pi semplici.
where is my favorite sce sce boy gone?
Famous Gay Men Who Served in the US Navy

1. Craig Claiborne (b. 1920), New York Times food critic
2. Rick Donovan (b.1963), porn star
3. Allan Gurganus (b. 1947), writer
4. Rock Hudson (1925-1985), actor
5. Armistead Maupin (b. 1944), writer
6. Harvey Milk (1930-1978), politician and Gay rights activist
7. Frank O'Hara (1926-1966), poet

Famous Gay Men Who Served in the US Air...
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