Ugh I'm moving all my shit over a hundred miles to my new apt. I've got to figure out what of the essential syuff I can move in like 3 loads one being a truckload and still try to save enough to go eat if I can get this girl to have dinner with me. It's nerve wracking. Plus my friend who was supposed to...
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I just had a weird incident lately. I had been talking to this really cute, smart, chatty girl. I was asking her out in a really casual way to a coffee house and my littlest started crying. I then had to awkwardly explain my situation. It was weird and I hope it didn't kill her interest. I need someone to cuddle with in my life.
I got the cute girl with the colour name's phone # today. I was applying for a job at O'chuck's and she had just got hired on and she sat down and chatted with me and before I could ask her for it she gave me her phone number. It made me quite happy because I thought she was outta my league but maybe not!...
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I feel crappy!! frown Everytime my kids mom comes to visit it just opens up old wounds and pours salt in em. We get along fine but I have to deal with her shit. She was sposed to help me pack up some of this mess here and help me clean up, instead she comes in much later than expected and sits around, and does nothing...
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Everyone is doing just fine here, but I'm getting my ass kicked being back at school full time...
Today is yer brother's birthday and I'm still trying to think of something sweet to do for him...maybe a membership to SG would do the trick....you think??
We're still waiting on the vonage hookup, so C will be able to call you for free pretty soon.
Sorry you had a bad time with the ex...I think youre a prince for putting up with the shit that you do!
ARRR!!! smile
My kids mom should be in soon. She's staying the weekend with us. I've been reading this Beckett play, Waiting for Godot, over the course of the night it's both interesting and confusing. I've got to analyze it for a class on Wed. I've got an apt. set up in BG though. It's only a one bedroom but that'll be ok. I hope I can...
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maddy says thank you for the get better. i am hoping its not too serious. *crosses fingers*
i have a really bad memory from my one cat sunshine dying in my arms, he was fine all day but then started pooing and pissing all over and just died 30 mins later while we were on the way to the vet's ER. it scarred me for life, and now i have flash backs whenever my cats have hairballs or act funny. blackeyed
Yeah I read Riders to the Sea....I thought it was kinda shit haha but ah well. I read Godot last semester....funny stuff biggrin
It's been a good week! I had great fun in all my classes and in meeting new people especially Poison and this cute girl named Scarlet. Haven't really met too many new people but thats ok it's quality not quantity. smile Thank gods that I didn't get a single crappy class, but japanese is gonna be tough, but fun. Now I'm back in Monticello, but...
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First day of classes today!!! I had a great day! My classes went great. I got to meet Poison, we had fundamentals togther along with a tasty clove each afterward. My english class was bland, but what canya expect from a low level english course? Then I had a good prospect for a job and another from a place to live. Japanese was neat...
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tomorrow we won't be late!! tongue
i am jealous! you get to have a class with my honey pants! *pouts* well damn. smack her on the ass next time you see her and tell her its from her sugarsnatch. wink

ps. hello! biggrin
God, I hate the moving process! mad I'm trying to sort through all may shit plus my X's too all by myself and pack it while she's having a good time out in Virginia, this is too unfair! I'm also incharge of finding her birth certificate and mailing it abd her driver's license to her so she can get her new decent paying job that I...
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oh god I dropped Kessler's costume class haha it was just awful. He's one step away from retirement so I'll just wait until a better teacher comes along for that one. The way he talks makes my brain hurt. haha This should be an interesting semester biggrin
It's been a pretty blah day. I'm stuck here in monticello with no friends handy and trying to pack stuff up, but the boys haven't been too much help I've not had a time when both were asleep so I've just been doing a little here and there. I can't wait for classes to start but haven't had much luck in acquiring a place to...
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My boys are both sick, some of my siblings are mad at me and I gotta hella trip to BG thats gonna be busy. Fun, Fun, Fun!!!
Nah, didn't think it should be taken off the shelves or anything...just made me do a double take, especially since I've never seen that flavor being sold before..
Glad ya got yourself a car, you needed it & sorry that you got some of the kin mad at ya's, which makes no sense to me at all...what the fuck do they got to be mad at ya for!!??
Anyways, best of luck to you and the boys on the big move to BG...Hope it goes well for the three of you. biggrin