O M G. 2ND wet t shirt contest in the lovely state of alaska yielded positive results once again. I have near 25+ decent pictures of women that would be considered beutiful for up here and average for people from the lower 48 states. My standards of course do not exist since I still have my V card stapled to my forehead (if you have...
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This blog comes in 2 parts, one to wrap up this eventful day, and one to tell a funny joke someone just texted me.
1. I plan to continue my career seeing as how I barely survived this year's PT test. I know more PT tests await, and eventually it will happen twice a year, which will suck. However, I see what the airforce...
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hahahahahaha omg! that was the greatest one ive heard yet about micheal jackson haha
HAHA I passed my test. My test of physical endurance. I scored a 75.25%. I needed a 75%. This means I get to keep my career a little longer! Yay. biggrin
yey for score!
HAHA This strikes at my imamturity a bit but to me it's damn funny....

Telescope finds space blobs are pubescent galaxies-
Mysterious space blobs aren't infant galaxies as astronomers once thought. Scientists say they mostly consist of galaxies going through puberty, all hot and bothered.
Study lead author James Geach of Durham University in England said in an e-mail that the reason chaos is occurring...
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HA the non conformist is at it again. I shaved my head bald. Well, Professionally done, but yeah.
I'm addin this post because people are idiots. SG1 needs a moderator. Plain and simple. mad
hmm.. even tho people will stay idiots....
Ok. This blog here will go into slight detail about a few things that spark a bit of happiness and intrigue. First I would like to talk about seasons. Not the kind involving weather, the kind involving TV shows that I would hardly put the investment into, buying of entire seasons instead of a sample. I went on complete impulse by purchasing a 4th season...
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This is what's called a drunken blog. You all post this same shit so it's my TURN. Fuck white people. Yes I'm white, that means Fuck me too! That means fuck the whole human race, because we are a bunch of ignorant stubburn drama starting pieces of shit. I take not a single word of it back. The human race is a doomed existence, and...
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Fuck my life ya? No not really, I'm just really fuckin worn out/exhausted. I kicked everyone's ass at Physical training outside our flight building, for push up and sit ups. I heard many times " Hey look at wiz crank those things out!". People were impressed, until it was time to do 2 laps, I think it was about 2+ miles of running a figure...
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Over the course of several weeks of psycological therapy, my shrink as I call him has suggested I start including Prozac with my therapy to help fix my problems. We figured out, well mostly I figured out through research, what my main problem is. Basic training was 3/4 the cause of a disorder known as "learned helplessness disorder" Do a Wikipedia search on it to...
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I'm sure you will get through just fine, considering the first thing you did was seek help. See yah on wow!
I'm writing once again to get rid of the (2) blog comments. It gets annoying after a while lol tongue

If that actually loads, cool. If not, click the link its hilarious!Stripper blooper
Hahahah That's funny, WAY better than what I kept picturing was about to happen with that Fan so close by.
Yeah I saw that too lol