bah, I'm such a shitty e-friend, I'm trying to get better, but I'm just not on very much, please bear with me
thanks for the link to the modblog,
When are you coming back into town? You know you must come and visit me. How is school going? Or have you even started yet?
And you aren't that shitty of an e friend, I've been too busy too to post much.

I know its no fun in legoland, but that doesnt mean that lego-people can just wash up from the sea and TAKE OUR JOBS!!! mad

woo for japanese thrash metal

How do you say System of a Down in Japanese?

I keed I keed. This is the theme song for the 2nd season of the Death Note anime.
comic con pics on the flickr, enjoy smile
So, the 60+ hour work weeks have started... I'm not sure how I'm going to hold up; I feel fine now, I feel like I can do it forever if I wanted to, but am I going to feel like this forever? can I really do it? Time will tell, I suppose I'll find out eventually.

haha, at least I'm pretty sure I'm going to...
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The beast which had hold upon my face is now dead...

which is to say that I am now beardless
So, I've moved to virginia and here I am. yay!

Its my first time living alone unsupervised in one way or another, and frankly, I think i'm gonna have a blast. I dunno, I'm all excited and cautiously optimistic. I dont think I'll be too lonely, especially now, my parents are in town (and hopefully going to stay in a hotel for the next 2...
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well, the movers came and took all our stuff; so until saturday or sunday (in virginia) I am stuff-less... I certainly hoped I've set aside enough clothes to sustain me until then.

Bah, We've been hanging out with people on and off for a few days now, and I'm thankful to have a moment to myself to blog and check email, I have a feeling...
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so full, very much deliciousness occupies my bloated gut

so, I picked up absinth flavored rolling papers... I wonder if it actually tastes like absinth or if they just made a random flavor and called it absinth because people have no frame of reference

its vaguely sweet and mentholley, but I dont even know what absinthe really tastes like