somebody call bad religion!

because the hills of los angeles are burning... *rimshot*

I understand I've been a bit of a ghost 'round these here internet parts; but, I promise I'll make an effort to be more e-outgoing.

Also, I'd like to Link the science-scouts... I've got more merit-badges than I care to admit; but, its good for a giggle or two.

also, I'll post my wii number as soon as I get around to turning my wii on wink
Pleasure overload, the wii came!1!

For a good time call... Mii!

But seriously, we have 2 controllers, 1 nunchuck, and enough games to keep me amused for a very very long time...

I REALLY should be preparing myself for gradschool, but this is a fantastic diversion. And besides, the whole me getting into grad-school hasnt even really sunk in, the idea of it seems unreal...
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Yes, that's right, dancing flashmobbing cosplayers....

Am I the only one who thinks peeps are gross? They taste all chalky and gritty and disgusting... that's not even mentioning the fact that your supposedly eating baby chicks....

One of my co-workers said "They're marshmallows covered in sugar, what's not to like?" as he gleefully popped one in his mouth... but still...
No, you are not alone *shudders*
Had some friends over for dinner last night, it was hella fun but I drank too much, it feels like my brain is too big for my skull. meh, I think I'm going to call it quits on the whole bender thing, for awhile at least. and I really mean it this time... *damn!*

so, to those that give a rat's ass, happy zombie jesus...
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I can tell I'm drunk because my eyeballs feel too big for my head tongue
haha, very true
ok, so yeah, Jenn and I are gonna do the whole "marriage" thing. I'm picking up this ring and popping a synthetic diamond in it (I must satisfy my geekiness in all things, after all). As far as the date and so on, we havent quite decided yet; but I figured I'd give all my friends on teh intarwebs a heads-up.

also, more importantly, my...
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Okay, so I got a bit of the old sushi-sleeve filled in and its looking good, especially the tuna. My arm is friggin delicious looking (pics as soon as I take them, also keep in mind that I'll be all scabby for a little while after.)

Also, jenn and I are ring shopping and stuff and my mom is helping, its not a bad thing;...
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Ring shopping!!! Yeah

Sorry we couldn't do more the other night. When you take a photo send me a copy so I can color it in and you can see what I am seeing in my head.
Okay, so I'm back... again from traveling around and stuff. I dont know how much more of this nonsense I can take, running around all frazzled is totally sucky.
So, the wedding was great (despite crappy wine, no liquor, and a 9:30 end-time) we stopped by the outlets on our way home and I picked up some running shoes from the nike outlet (cheap too!)...
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So, I'm back off to arizona tomorrow. What's with me and that state? I dont even like it, and yet here I am, going there again within a month..

I suppose Im going there for the same reason that I tend to watch the same crappy movies over and over (watching matrix: revolutions now) maybe I'm just a glutton for punishment, haha I really do...
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So, I'm off to virginia for 3 days starting tonight at 1am, yaaay.

oh god, I almost forgot how much airports stress me out frown

in other news, the sushi-sleeve is lookin good, I just need to get some color in it. Also, neither of my parents have seen it (yet) thank god, which is a first for me, usually my parents know within 24hr of...
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