look up "fuck-up" in an on-line dictionary, and you just may see my pic.
minor details like not renewing my teaching license (31 days overdue) AND not taking the required 3 credits in three years...man, those suits at Teachers Standards & Practices Commision must have also entered me into their personal databases under the above mentioned header.

aaahh, that means a few terse emails, a...
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shitty day....
work laptop hardrive appears fried AGAIN...
...no backup from last month...
coleague gets his walking papers and asks me to proofread his resignation letter....
meeting with ex-student at another high school is disasterous with all the red-tape, admin crap and negativity....
certified staff appreaciation week will fizzle out with only me & my mentee doing anything to recognize 'em....
ohhh, yeah, fucking laptop...
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our school psych has had the same issues with her laptop.

time for progress reports.

i'm so burnt out it's not even funny.

soooo, my mentee and i went out for a beer tonight after work-- i think she's stressing herself out... a student on her load's parents filed a complaint with the state unfortunately, mostly for stuff that happened last year it appears. i hope it all works out, however, she's got a handful of students with mental health needs that are stretchin' her thin..... i just...
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i was wondering how things have been in your space not far from my space.

we've had lots of interesting stuff too... this is unfortunately one of the drags about our job.

i'm so tired of 12 hour days, myself.
i wrote a letter to the editor to the Mercury, and won "letter of the week"- I'm a little hesistant to see if they tried have a thoughtful response to what i wrote or some snarky bullshit...

semester's almost over... switching to another room for 2nd semester will not be fun, as that one is crowded, hot, and dark. toooooo many kids who don't give...
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3/5 of the last work days were snow days.... yay!
weak-ass snow removal resources shut down too much of the city and canceled my flight home for the holiday....boo!

sister re-booked us to leave on the 27th. i'm happy to have not had to go wade though all the pissy masses at the airport; she did it over the phone prior to trying to get...
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yay! snow day tomorrow announced already.... a day to catch up on grading, play more video games, and perhaps do long over-due laundry. being from so-dak, i still just shake my head at what little it takes to mess up this minor metropolis when it comes to snow/ice.

i've been a big fan of Left 4 Dead as of late. lots of zombies to kill...
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paperwork sucks... dec.1st deadlines are crappy due to my procrastination and perfectionist tendencies.

highlight of my week was meeting the only porn star besides Ron Jeremy that I'd give a crap abou meetingt: Belladonna was doing a signing... perhaps if she would've talked dirty I would've had a more genuine smile in the polaroid. my "picture-say "cheese" smile" always sucks ass... wonder how many...
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sounds like you and i are bad dinner twinsies.

have a good holiday. eat some tofurkey. i'm craving some.
brother's wedding turned out not-so-hoiwty-toiwty, which was swell. the mom-in-law was down to earth and very appreciative of my sister and i making it out. the blizzard that closed down South Dakota a few days before the wedding kept my mom, sister Sara, and her boyfriend from making the trip.....

so we went through the ceremony, the gents and I with nips of vodka to...
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too much paperwork, i had to resume shooting stuff and people on COD4 this past week....
when my laptop's desktop is 3/4 full of files/docs that need to filed, and i'm working on building a "second stack" of real paper files on my desk, i know i'm behind.... all them 3-years aren't helping shit, not to mention more meetings than i can fit in my...
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thanks bro!

we wear (minimum) three hats: teach, manage EA and paperwork. i'm so thankful for records managers!!! omg.

i hear you on the papers and meetings. i'm constantly running. and i've got your second stack of papers topped. i have a whole desk full of papers stacked and stacked and in bins and... sooo swamped. mostly w/meetings and the high needs kids stuffs. i don't feel like i'm doing the best i can. but i am.

glad i'm not the only one who sleeps thru weekends. we should meet up for a brew sometime (do you drink?) if we can stay up past 7:30 on a friday night! hah!
measured for tux for brother's 2nd wedding today. the lady told me to to pull the pants up to touch my belly-button. it reminded me of the stylishness of Apu on the Simpsons, and Mr. Kainee, my 7th grade shop teacher. no thank you, I do not wish to be reminded of my pizza-beer tummy. i will sag them tuxedo pants respectibly and comfortably, thankyouverymuch....
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sears has the worst service. i'm surprised they are still in business. went there last sunday for hilarious photographs in the studio. they had the group scheduled for the day before... surreal

too bad they sell hoodies for cheap. otherwise, i'd boycott them.
...long week at the office; i don't think I got home before 8pm except on Thursday to watch survisor. (I think the nice lawyer or the gay dude are going to win.) Poor mentee has too many behavior plans, not enough time. I'm so far behind on planning and grading myself, and I have to start testing this week for my upcoming 3-year evals. my...
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