Hate is a strong word. When I was in middle school I learned that. When I thought I hated homework, Mrs. Esling informed me that hate was too strong a word. Hate is what the Nazis had for the Jews. Hate is the urge to destroy, to annihilate, to feel it in your bones and to seriously wish that whatever you hated did not now,...
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I'm always down with pope jokes.
It's been awhile since I've updated. Healing is going well. I'm walking, driving my own car instead of a truck (I couldn't climb in and out of the low-sitting Metro very well), and I don't believe I'm bleeding anywhere anymore.

One more week off of work and I should be properly healed up. I get to pick up pictures of the operation tomorrow--sweet smile

Adios for...
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I got home from the hospital two days early!

Men, let me warn you--if you EVER are told you'll be getting a catheter "down there" you turn and run and just live through the pain! That was the WORST experience of my life! Even now that I can pee under my own power, I'm going like every 15 minutes. It's really quite exhausting!

Everything right...
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catheters are scary. pee holes are an exit only thing.my friend once had a catheter and his g/f visited him in the hospital and gave him a hard on just to see him in pain. crazy shit. pee holes are just something that things shouldn't even go around. good luck with the recovery smile
Wow, tomorrow's the big day.

I'm having my upper left kidney removed. I'll miss you all for the week I'm in the hospital.

I'll admit I'm pretty scared. There's a small risk that it's cancerous, a lil bit smaller risk that I could have complications and die. Well, maybe a bit larger--I'll be bleeding like a motherfucker.

Goodbye friends, associates, and casual readers! Wish me...
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hey babe
taking a break from the SPANKINGS in the bedroom to wish you luck tomorrow. I know you will be fine. I will be thinking of you and you better rest up so the rest of us can have you back soon!!

See it is really all about me!!

well back to the party in the bedroom....

Oh my friend, what time is this
to trade the handshake for the fist?

I fought the law, as some of you might recall. I won. I found out today that I was acquitted.

I also found out my best friend is moving to Springfield, Ill. With my other close friend's recent marriage and move, and most of the rest succumbing to "Evangelical Christianity," I'm...
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^^^^see he is smitten!!

how you doin?

oh babe

i am sure you will do great. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

hope to hear from you soon.
Enjoy the cute nurses!!

The surgery to remove my upper left kidney is scheduled for March 15--don't expect me to be too SG-worthy for a few days after that.

It's hard to really fathom, even now. I lived almost 25 years without a smidgeon of problems . . . not even any indicator that there was something different about me. Whatever happened two weeks ago though, it must have...
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News update:

I get to have surgery. My upper left kidney needs to come out. That'll leave me with only 3 operating kidneys.

You read it right.

I found out that I have four, count 'em FOUR kidneys. It's a birth defect.

A mutation. A benevolent one. An evolution?

As a God-fearing Catholic, I'm supposed to know that evolution is a joke and that the...
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oh my gosh!!

I just read your journal.....

that is so cool, except I am sorry about having to loose a kidney. I hope the operation goes well.

oh and no... you are suppose to be craving French food.... men!! whatever


I do love Katie!!

yes she can fix u up....

So sick.

I've been laid up for four fucking days with a common cold! A regular, run-of-the-mill virus! Technology=USELESS.

I found an apartment! YES! Oh sweet Mary, YES! Now I just have to get it . . . and laid up with a cold isn't getting me this apartment. This is driving me pretty mad.
oh babe
I am so sorry you are sick. I had the flu for Valentines Day if that makes you feel any better!!

We had a great time with SGNC people and SUSHI!

such great people!!

I love SG!!

hope you feel better soon..... lots of fluids and rest!

Moving life forward, six inches at a time.

Still no word on the trial verdict, but I'm sure The Man is going to see me lose. In the meantime I'm looking life in the eye and sighing hot painful sighs of frustration at what I see.

My friend Jason is getting married after a relatively whirlwind romance--in fact, they were engaged before they were seeing...
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well get busy DAMN!!

they are worth the read!!!!

keep ya busy....

lets rally the troops and do something crazy. i' in the mood for some good ol' time anarchy. it'd be worth the trip.
Fuck The Police

Case Study Part 2

Yesterday was my trial. I smacked that bitch-ass cop around. It was dark, he admitted my headlights were shining in his eyes, he admitted he hardly ever wrote tickets on vehicles that were behind him, much less at night, and he testified that, while my seatbelt was OFF before I passed him and ON when I finished, he...
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damn i've missed alot. fuckin cops. gorilla upper cut their ass when they pull you over again.
One week since my check-in? I'll be damned.

Life is just plain busy. Working two jobs is starting to wear me out, and not even "sick" days are really helping much. Wednesday I get to go to court to fight a bullshit seatbelt ticket. Tuesday night is the only night I DON'T close at Sears. I thought things would slow down a lot after Christmas,...
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a parasite rules you, huh!!

does he wear a hat and smoke a cigar as well??

Ugh, Naked fruit drinks. Sweet, sweet mango, how you antioxidize me and leave me so ill!

In other news--I called her back on her birthday and didn't get an answer. Oh well.

In other news--fuck beans I'm tired. Twelves twelves twelves . . . what's a weekend? TWO days where you don't work? TWO nights where you can drink without having to pay for it...
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hey handsom!!

have a great weekend!

thx for the game review, i'll prolly never get around to playin it as well as any of my other games i already have. anyways time for some drinkin smile