Freezing my arse off here. Just to make life better my landy's back in the garage (battery this time). On a brighter note I'm expanding my cultural horizons and reading H.G. Well's The War In The Air. A very good book just itching to be made into a film.
Am really not impressed with my car right now. Had the second breakdown in 2 months and from the look of things it'll be the engine control unit !! Other that that doing well. Will make the effort to see Avatar this week and had a stormin' time in Leeds last night on a (belated) staff Xmas party.
Well you can imagine how pleased I was when my boiler went bang and sprayed out several litres of horrible murky water blackeyed Fortunately this happened in the cold weather last year so all I had to do, to get things working again, was knock the icicle from off the bottom of the boiler outflow pipe and pour boiling water on said pipe and hit it...
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Glad to hear your boiler's working again.

Any ideas of what countries you want to visit?
U.S.A &/or Canada, France, Germany, Netherlands & Poland. So it looks like I'll be quite busy.
Got to go to Manchester airport again last night. This time to pick up my mates family's luggage, which went astray in Frankfurt mad No snow this time but lots of fog. Got a cool thank you gift in the form of a 2 litre bottle of smirnoff black vodka.

On a lighter note, watched Monster vs Aliens yesterday. Just loved Bob 'The Blob' and 'Missing...
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More driving adventures. Went to Manchester Airport to pick up a friends mum and sister, who were flying in from Frankfurt. Started snowing as we set off. Only saw three gritters on the entire trip and two if those were in the other lanes !! The punchline is that when we got to the airport we found out that the plane had been diverted to...
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Cold, cold, cold. Very annoyed with my Freelander at the mo'. Bloody thing broke down on the M1 motorway at 11:30pm on Saturday !! By the time recovery came out and got me home it was 02:30am. Not at all impressed. Still looking forward to pay day tomorrow and last minute pressie buying on Wed and a few drinks with me mates in town on...
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Damn that sucks!
Not the worse thing that could've happened but bloody irritating all the same. My friend who I was giving a lift, to her home in Rotherham, was not at all impressed.
Just marking time at the moment. Really want the next week to be over and done with as soon as possible. Not really on top of my game at work 'cause of stuff I can't talk about. On the debit side though I got to go on a hack yesterday morning and had several really good gallops. The horses were really up for it. Great...
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Just watched Sam Raimi's Drag Me To Hell. Loved it. **WHOPP, WHOOP !!, SPOILER ALERT** I honestly thought our heroine had got away with it but really, given that this is a Raimi film, I should've known better. Thought the trailer for Daybreakers was good too.
Anytime smile
Dude that movie is sick.
Blimey a month and a half since I last blogged !! Not good enough old chap. Will put stuff up at least once a week and I will damm well make it interesting, though hopefully w/out causing me a mischief.
Off to see VNV Nation @ The Corporation in Sheffield tonight. Ought to be good, haven't seen them in ages.
Have fun!
Had a great time on Sunday. A good mix of old and new songs. Even better, 'cause I gave three people a lift over to the venue they paid for my ticket.
By accident I saw the episode of CSI:NY that featured the Suicide Girls. Not bad. It was amusing to see the Danny character getting flirted with by Nixon Suicide.
I've seen that episode a few times.
Back home after 10 days house and cat sitting for the folks. Plus points were freezer & drinks cabinet privileges. Minus points were my cat allergy and no pc access, so no Facebook, SG, or the other forums I go/post on. It's great to be back.