So lately I have been doing nothing but working those long LONG midnight hours and catching up on all the TV shows that I normally do not watch on my television.

Sadly my computer now does the whole TV thing for me.

I wonder if this whole TV thing is a fact that I am just getting older and that much more boring....or if TV...
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Those commercials are great. biggrin
So I bought and put together a new computer, because, well, what else can I spend my money on when I work a night job which prevents me from spending 80-100 dollar bar tabs 5-6 days a week.

It helps I enjoy computer games and am a bit of a geek (shhh don't tell the club kids)

* Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium SP1 64-bit...
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I need a new computer. the old one from 2004 isn't holding up well
Work, Eat, Play WoW, Sleep, Lather, Wrinse, Repeat.

This is pretty much the cycle atm. Nose to the grind stone and whatnot.

I did catch the VAST concert here recently which was fun, and I started trying to develop healthier eating habits so that my eating will not hinder my efforts to work out. So far its been successful.

Update done. Short and Sweet. Thank...
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Still WoWing it up, huh? I've taken my fair share of breaks too, but I keep coming back. I'm playing on Shadow Council. Horde.

You're insane, Frank.
I hate it when I get to liberal with the wash brush and accidentally overlap my masking hence ruining a project. Luckily I was only an hour into said project. Light box, re-ink and start again T.T

*edit* re-inked and 3 coats of wash later I am finally happy with the background >.<

skull skull skull
third shift is rough.
Ouch, that sucks.
Ok, I am remiss for not watching the latest Joss Whedon creation.

I doubted him.....yes I will admit it.......I should be flayed at a stake......but I doubted him.

I went on the Interwebz and started to watch the DollHouse series.

I made a grave error.

I am now addicted.

I thought Burn Notice and Family Guy were bad. Then Joss Whedon fucked my brain.

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haha. naw only SG journals are 'sexy'. tongue
it's loud on this side of the state. but maybe only for me. hows it over there?
i love dr. horrible!
So there is a (relatively) new series of GI Joe cartoon shorts out.

So far I haven't seen anyone ejecting out of a plane just before it explodes, or huge gun battles involving tons of laser fire where no one gets a scratch. It goes so far in fact that 2 relatively major characters die in the first episode, not to mention Moscow gets blown...
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I like it. But yeah the Cobra's aim has not improved.
Well, for the first time ever I had my taxes done and in the mail before Jan 31. Due to this fact I have gotten my return back already.

I now have a new used car, an '06 white ford focus. It's nice. They payments aren't horrible, but full coverage insurance is a BITCH. Such a scam, but a fully legal one, endorsed whole heartedly...
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whats up Frank?
i'm not worried about anything other being able to move from this godforsaken state
Taxs make the year start off easier.Or worse depending.
You too brother hope to see you soon.
I can't even get to it yet...I'm trying though. I hope it doesn't pull me in too far... eeek
which is it wow or evercrack? you know you don't really want to give up the addiction wink

how the hell are you? we had a new baby last month. you should come check out photos of our boy. if you ever thought david was cute you will absolutely fall in love with jean-michel! biggrin