Happy Easter. Pssh. Stupid holiday. Well, it's fun for kids, but what the hell is the correlation between a bunny, a basket, and some eggs anyways?
I worked all day, from noon till 1 am. But I did get to do the whole egg thing w/ Covin. She wore her pretty new Easter dress and I curled her hair and she was soooo pretty. Sniff......
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About your putting love in the freezer. I say take it where and when you find it. There never is another time.
Exactly. You have to be able to accept it when it happens or not at all.
Here I go again
Slipping further away
Letting go again
Of what keeps me in place
I like it here
But it scares me to death
There is nothing here
The light is beautiful
But Im darker than light
And you are wonderful
But this moment is mine
All of this dust
All of this past
All of this over and gone
And never coming...
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I'm still trying to decide if love is an enemy or just a really fucked up sort of friend. wink
I almost bought a car that is very close to you, but someone beat me to it. I was looking up Manhattan, IL and noticed New Lenox is pretty close. Maybe the guy that beat me to the car will back out and I will be out your way soon. smile
been sicker than sick lately- flu, laryngitis, bronchitis, and sinusitis all at once. i'm so talented.
i'm all drugged up right now.
hmmm whats new...
got a new tattoo with another two coming possibly monday, my hair is a bright ketchuppy red, took covin to see the new disney movie home on the range (it was a good thing my friend let us in for...
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damn when can you come kick my ass but i might enjoy that and what pool hall you work at i'm looking for new places to get drunk at i mean drink at. I'm sorry that your sick...i need to get some meds for my cold that i have right now. mmmm meds. well get better soon.
I like your pictures! Your daughter is SO cute! smile

It sounds like you need some chicken noodle soup. Works for me. wink
Eureeka I have some pics up- I have much better ones, but I'm trying to work on the damn file/ size conversion on one hour of sleep after working for 17 hours.
I originally intended to come home and study for my test tomorrow that I had to request an extension for, but it turns out my teacher decided to give me a whole week...
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i doubt that, hon, but thanx!
kiss kiss
yur welcome for the words, and if you could please send them to me, cause i wrote them oiff hand and i forgot to copy them...thanks
Work, work, work. I haven't gone out in weeks. On my one night off I end up passing out from exhaustion. Looking around my room you can just see how busy I've been. My wall calendar is still on last month, my desk calendar (which I usually change daily and religiously) is still on last Wednesday. My closet is a messy pile of unfolded clothes,...
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barely alive
working that nine to five
and at five to nine
preparing for your second wind of work
sick of ignorant people, that pass off as jerks
and get away with it
a heart is not a toy so dont play with it
a child is never a burden, so stay with it
regrets are what my book is filled with
and i pray with it
on my knees
sacrificial scars on my arms
i used to bleed
now i plea
with those that still do
im not writing this because i hate you
i love you, and im trying to reinstate you
inject you back into my life
this time, dont get so hostile you feel to pick up the kinfe,
razor or whatever the fuck it is you use to abuse yourself
cause i think its become a chaser you use to amuse yourself
no need to put down the grin
you wear on your skin
lying to me wont make me your friend
i need devotion
and world of truth
this isnt eye for an eye
im the paste for your tooth
im here to clean you up
ive never seen you so corrupt
and more than ever im here to abrubt
the sickness that sits on both shoulders
days seem even colder
i guess i wear, wear a grin too
cause this isnt even close to what i told her- ReVeRie

[Edited on Mar 31, 2004 9:25PM]
Hey, hope you're doing okay. wink
02:22 am - mish mash of me lately
This is the first I've been out of my bed since Thursday night (it is now Sunday morning.)
I was unfairly overtaken by a massive virus I now dub the black plague. Ok really it was just a stomach flu, but I WAS throwing up black stuff at some point...
This stuff always happens on my day...
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Virginia is, um, average? The weather can never make up its mind during the late fall and early spring. It's hot, then cold, then warm, the freezing... you get the picture. There are some good points, though. There's the beach, some pretty good concerts that roll through, the mountains on the opposite side of the state from me. I don't know. I complain about it a lot, but I must admit that I love it here. tongue

Anyway, like you said, cheers to twins! wink
damnit, get your love together!
They say it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
Right now I feel I've lost the greatest love I'll ever have in my life for no logical reason besides horrendous timing. And it's not fair. And I see nothing good about it whatsoever.
Of course I cherish every moment we spent together, and of course I've learned...
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Love is your weakness eh? You and me both girlie... Tho I guess being an artist I can appreciate the pain and joy it brings loving so deeply as it's from those emotions most artists draw their inspiration. *hugs* I hope you're doing ok
It's the kind of update people get for bugging me so much to update when I don't have anything important to say. wink

But damn do I love your words. It's been a long time since I've known someone who's language is so natural and comes so easily from their mind and is filled with such imagery and emotion. *little sigh*

Why do you live so far away?
07:38 am - bar life
So working at a bar isn't exactly the place to be when you're trying to get over your bitter hatred of men. It is, however, wonderful for the study of social psychology, and even more fun for my personal entertainment ; )
I get harrassed probably more than the words you type per minute, and I get to deal with...
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Oooooooh!! We have so much in common! I always get really confused on this site ... like "who's profile said what" and "which picture belongs to what profile name". Theres just ... millions of ppl on this site and I forget which ones are which, lol! Im sure Ive read your profile like a dozen times and forget each time that we are both mommie penguin lover psyche students with similar tastes in movies art, etc. smile

I worked at a bar also ... and boy are you right about that! Ppl always tell you their deep dark secrets, even when you've only known them for 5 min. It's the alcohol. NO! It's the environment ... as you may have learned in psyche class, lol!
Hey, what's going on? Sorry to hear about work being shitty. Hope you're doing okay.
this is a letter from one of my best friends that i had to share cuz i was feeling shitty and it really cheered me up. where would i be without the ones i love? they always help me up when it seems both my legs are broken.

oh my sweet nicci - i just read your message you sent me - like - a...
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Hey! smile
I'll try not to. smile