Why do I love military history? Let me count the ways. I'm reading John Keegan's A History of Warfare, where he begins by proposing the question: What is war? Is it the continuation of political policy using large scale violence as a last resort? or is it something more insidious and cultural? Also reading Daniele Bolelli's On the Warrior's Path: Philosophy, Fighting and Martial Arts...
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signs you wont be getting into college:

On visit to campus, you accidentally kill the school mascot

Instead of a cap and gown, your high school gives you a McDonald's uniform

After four years of Spanish, you still can't place an order at Taco Bell

You took an S.A.T. preparation course that was advertised by Sally Struthers

You tell admissions officer you're looking forward to "some good, honest book-larnin'"

Instead of application, you send in a Where's Waldo? book with all the Waldos circled

You insist interviewer call you by your nickname: "Glue-Sniffin' viv"

Last time you picked up a book, Michael Jackson was black

biggrin a little college humour to brighten up your day biggrin
Very interesting, the idea of like as a dream. Sometimes it sure does seem that way. One of my odd obsessions has been the search for "authenticity" -- when are we authentic? In prayer, on crack, in the throes? Which of these states help us come closest to our form. Are psychotropic meds a cop-out because they render you less authentic? I reckon it follows that none of this would feel authentic if nothing really is authentic until we wake up. Glad to see you back in these parts Viv. Hope life is treating you goodly in the outer burroughs
I die when he comes around
To take you home
I'm too shy
I should have kissed you when we were alone
always the way. i once had a girl call me after she left and tell me i blew it, that i should have made a move.
keep your spirits up. smile
hang in there. kiss
I talked to D for 2 hrs last night. I knew we should be together when he said he wanted to hate-fuck Condi Rice, I asked if I could watch, and he said yes. If that ain't love... So this is some Atmosphere for D..bitch...

do i sound mad?
well i guess im a little pissed
every action has a point
five points make a...
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i was at mabon!
small world.
i dont remember much as far as faces go, tho. all i can remember is the guy who was standing across the circle from me, picking his nose the whole time.
i will be at beltane, as well.
I've got Neutral Milk Hotel on repeat. I think this is the 6th time it's played. I'm either having a breakdown or a breakthrough.
I drink neutral milk.

You should feel special.
I RARELY comment in journals.

You should come out to an SGNY party. If you've been to one already, and I met you and don't remember you, I apologize. I usually get pretty tore at those parties.


changed your mind about what?

i tend to be rather shy and to-myself at enchantments.
maybe i have seen you there, tho.. its a small (magickal) world.

the 17th is a party in philly.
i'm not going.
i think the next nyc event is the burlesque show.
are you going?
I spent the day watching college football and rereading Kushiel's Dart. I love that book in an unhealthy way. If only I had a Cassiline to protect and serve me in my service to Naamah. A girl can dream, no?

I probably should have done something memorable to mark the new year, but i'm still moving slowly, recovering from last night's festivities. I've also been...
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