So I joined a gym. Something about turning 30 has made my butt jiggle more (in a bad way). Now all I have to do is get myself there at least 2x a week. Anybody have a good workout routine to share?
After a very long day at work (and a seemingly longer wait for a cab), NYE ended up being lots of fun. I got to hang out with my boy, hit on a pretty girl, and generally have a great time.
Thanks for the welcome - it's all been pretty good so far!
There are cops surrounding my block, rifles at the ready, and they won't tell me what is going on (other than to stay in my house). I don't think I am going to be getting much sleep tonight.
Flooding blows.
Thanks for the pointers. The living situation shouldn't be a problem, as my company will be providing me housing for the first month, which should give me time to find suitable accommodations.

As for the cultural differences - I'm looking forward to experiencing them firsthand. In particular, I'm told I should be on the lookout for a good cup of coffee with chicory. biggrin
I dreamed last night that I was hanging out with the White Stripes. Only they were no longer popular-they were playing high school gigs and couldn't give their tshirts away. Very strange.
Gah. I am so happy with my job and the opportunities I have in it-and yet when I have to work nights, I hate it so much!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope your Thanksgiving went well!
just getting over a serious bout of the icks. i'm pretty sure my husband's soup is what cured me.
vacation was wonderful. being sans clothing for 22 hours out of every day soothes the soul.
Sounds like a great vacation!