Back in Reading, England.

not feeling social on the internet and that's why I haven't been around...

....but here's something interesting...

...I got my very first booty call over the internet from an Italian American girl on a business trip to London...

....unfortunately, the adult singles website I was using was a full day late in notifying me of the message....
that isn't cool! hehe
figures. convince her you're worth a side trip to reading.
I've been very "empty in the centre". And it's become a constant awareness for me of that condition in the last few months.

I've been considering getting into Zen.

Not that I want to start a discussion or anything....I just wanted to let y'all know.


Meanwhile...I continue to have a positive time in Stockholm.


Download this now and watch. Pure fucking genius.

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No I'm not a truck driver. :cp I just drive quite a bit and my arm always gets tan. *eh* =)
Wow that sounds interesting that they are developing the whole virtual reality thing at your uni... do you know much about it? I would love to hear what stages they are up to!
I don't know much about Zen.. but from what i do know it sounds very beautiful and meaningful...
Good to hear you are having a lurvely time back in Stockholm!! ... hope you had a most excellent easter!!
skull XX kiss
Hi all,

Right now I am writing this from Stockholm, Sweden.

It hit me recently that I am doing an awful lot of travelling.

I am having a good time here in Sweden. The weather is amazing. The skies are clear and blue, the sun is out and almost a white-yellow in intensity. I'm further north than London but enjoying weather 10 times better. It's...
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you ARE spring baybee.

things in life are going well for the moment. i am just enjoying all it gives me. i don't want to taint these moments of joy.

i am glad to hear that you have begun the blossoming. you are heading into something amazing munir. i know it.

i remember linda. that brings back memories of when we first met here.. the wonderful journal entries of your sweet, mad crush blush. you are a love, i can't see how anyone wouldn't open their arms to you, over and over. kiss

i am so glad you are back on SG, i missed you sooo much. you are part of my SG world. stay with me, play with me!!!

much lovins seXXXy boy kisslovekiss
I think you wrote your Journal wrong. You're supposed to complain about a bunch of things, like traffic and school and money. Don't you see the other Journals?

But I think I might like this kind better.

I thought you'd remember, we discussed eye surgery... unless (now you're making me think I'm forgetting) it was someone else. I just feel like nothing's perfect-- glasses, contacts, and now this... but this is a lot less hassle. My vision's fluctuating still, as in details at long distance... but I'm still glad I got it done. If my vision weakens a bit (and the doctors say everyone needs reading glasses eventually) I'd just get some glasses for odd moments when I cared about details (movies, shows, stuff like that) and feel fine about it.

I never did answer your question from before! Tell you what, here's a realization I've had lately, call it an epiphany of sorts-- I have become way more of a loner than I ever thought I'd be, by default at first... but I think it's surprisingly good. I'm able to fill time pretty handily when nobody else is around. Being a loner is not about disliking people; you can also observe the world very closely, learn a lot, and experience things sharply, alone. (Well, maybe this is all obvious...)

I just joined up again.

I've got a 3 month subscription now, so that should hold me till I definitely have a website set up.


The eye surgery was fine. It took about 15 minutes...it was so quick.

I can now see without glasses. It's still a little hazy at times. Like looking through steamed glasses...and small letters in the middle distance are...
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I'm so glad that you aren't grey anymore!! biggrin It's so good to see you back.

Wowie!! New digs (which sound absolutely amazing!), new travels, new vision! Yay for you! Isn't life amazing. I'm totally in love with it lately. *glows*

I can't wait to see your webspace. I think that I need to start building a virtual home of my own as well. The Boy and I keep mulling it over anyway, so it could happen, perhaps . . . maybe. whatever smile

We will definitely stay in touch! I'll hook ya up with my contact info before 7/5 for sure.

Oh yes . . . I have seen the Junko toys. They have them at the "alternative" media store across the street from Powell's. But alas, I am unemployed, so there are to be no Junko toys for me. Sigh . . . must. get. job. so. i. can. buy. Junko toys!!! biggrin
Just want to warn everyone that my phone line will be cut Thursday morning. That means the ADSL will go with it to.

Preparing to move to the really nice house much nearer to the University (in fact, directly opposite one of the back gates!). Can't really say when I'll have regular internet connection.

Besides this, is my wavefront laser eye surgery scheduled for the...
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Good luck with the surgery!!.. i am 100% everything will be fine!!! biggrin For sure I want to stay in contact with you!!!!! I will reply to your email real soon!!
Have a lurvely day!!
skull XX kiss
Good luck with it all !!! kiss kiss kiss
Just came back from watching The Vagina Monologues, all done by young and mature women from the University of Reading.

I had a blast. Has anyone else seen it?

I hope to have a more significant ability to help women someday. I'm sure every penny helps (ticket proceeds all went to various women's shelters, charities and crisis centers) but it feels like it doesn't...
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liza rocked in cabaret, though - gotta give her that.
I loved both of those.
i never did tell you, the color of your eyes is exactly like newborn babies - a dark slate blue color. it's interesting.
causus asked me some really good questions and to his distress or benefit, I went off and wrote a book in his journal. I liked what I wrote, and I want to share it with y'all. Hope you like it.....


I can't answer your question on God. It's impossible.

My reasoning is this. It's far too personal.

If I say 'Yes', then...
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I don't speak any French even though I should be learning some. Schlumberger is sending me to France in April for schooling. I'll get to spend a month there. The school is located in a small town outside Paris named Melun. Ever heard of it? Actually it's more like half an hour outside Paris. wink

Geeze Vastad, I just don't know if I can respond to everything you wrote me. You out-do yourself every time. smile

I read that article about NEWater. It's pretty interesting.

I now understand what you meant about the WMD thing. Yes, bio-weapons are certainly classified as WMD's.

It's not impossible to answer my question about God. Just tell me yes or no. I say no. It's easy for me. wink Just kidding. It's impossible to comprehend anything about that topic. I have beliefs just like everyone else. Mine are usually a little different from the rest. surreal I don't believe but I believe in at least something. The Universe it'self is my God I guess. Until we find out what is beyond that, it willl be my God.

I like the other link you provided me. All that theoretical mumbo-jumbo can be cool ut usually it is just too much for me. I prefer to keep things simple. I like yes or no questions, not stochastic calculus. wink

Well, now it looks like I'll be going offshore on Friday. I'm not sure if I'll ever get to go. biggrin It would be nice though. I could always use some extra money. wink I'm gonna try to take pics. Maybe I'll get some pics of us in action on the rig floor. That would be sweet!

Talk to you later.
I don't have any set religious, or atheist, belief. To me, the world seems pretty godless... I don't mean that life is bad all of the time. I just never feel like I'm seeing a direct intervention or message from a deity. Things seems pretty random and chaotic, although funny coincidences come up from time to time. That's pretty much the extent of "Things I Am Sure Of," which is to say-- naught.

I'm still trying to think of (nonreligious) epiphanies of childhood. The one I have is really not worth mentioning... really... when I was watching the Chicago Bears the year before they won the Super Bowl, I realized 1) they were really good, 2) it was mostly because of the defense, 3) they would win the Super Bowl soon because of this.
I know, it's not very personal...

[Edited on Mar 10, 2004 5:25PM]
Someone whose opinion I highly respect actually had a very balanced opinion of "The Passion of Mel". Though she confirms what other critics have said about the movie not identifying anyone and so many characters won't mean anything except to someone who knows the details of the events and it's people quite intimately from the Bible, it did have an effect on her. It could...
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I sincerely hope that you are feeling ever so much better. Being ill in such a drain on body, spirit and brain. *sending uplift thoughts across the hemispheres~dootdootdootdoooootdoot* biggrin kiss biggrin

Junkers Juno! Teehee! It makes me think of something out of Cowboy Bebop. A space ship repo firm or parts yard. I may have to save that name for my own scifi story. wink

You have called my bluff. I am more gregarious in the company of friends and beloved, but it takes awhile before those comfort levels are established. (I have a wickedly sarcastic sense of odd-ballish humor. surreal )

My family is all "born again" fundamentalists, so my dad has been asking when I'm off to see The Passion. Hmmmmm . . . I think I will wait for the video. Maybe. It's not like I haven't read the book. whatever Poor family . . . deathly afraid that their wayward daughter is going to hell. Sigh . . .

Congratulations on the eye surgery. I would love to be able to see without little bits of plastic in my eyes. Blessings and safety to you on the day and a speedy recovery afterwards.

*hugs, well wishes and big stari squishes*

Edited because I can't spell fundamentalists.

[Edited on Mar 09, 2004 1:50PM]
Cheers for the email! biggrin I'll have a good check through that when I finish work. By the looks of it I should be able to get it all set up without any problems. Speak to you soon smile
I'm sick today. frown

Slight fever, sore throat, can't think.

Lots of Lemon and Chamomile Tea with Honey for me today. smile
aww crap....sick sucks frown hope you feel better!
and lots of fluids!
maybe you're better now, since it's sunday-- hopefully.

The easy rules for haiku are 3 lines of 5, 7 and 5 syllables respectively. Traditional japanese haiku have a reference to the season/natural manifestations of the season (i.e. cherry blossoms)/ or just nature--Basho-"frog jumps into pond splash"
To get an idea of what a really good haiku is supposed to be like you have to read a bunch.

My haiku are not really good--they're rule breaking haiku! they're not verey enlightened or naturalistic.

I'm looking for the andre norton/mercedes lacky book- I know it's here somewhere!

Feel better!
I've been approved a prime candidate for eye surgery to correct my vision.
Went to London for my eye checkup. I predicted full eligibility for the procedure.


In the opinion of the optometrist, I am a prime candidate for eye surgery. I have plenty of thickness in my cornea for the laser to vaporise away to the desired curvature, and I have little aberration...
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What a coincidence! That's awesome. I had really good grades in college. When they came to my school they noticed me and asked if I would be interested in interviewing with the company. Here I am today working for them. wink

You are studying some really interesting stuff. I had to work on some basic A.I. stuff in college. I don't know about you but I think all that A.I. stuff could eventually lead to our demise. eeek
i've always been partial to 1.61803399

i downloaded some hemisync mp3s a while back. haven't had much chance to play with them, though. what do you think so far?