My Sylvie, a conjoined nuance.

Of course. Of a canine, a feline, falconry. It is for the birds.

<smh> really. you think they would... yes, the stench. basest sense, harshest warning.

that book i gave away along with jkd. well shit yeah.

i have your antony/cleopatra and caesar, adrian. why would i have need of nefertiti?
Imagine, Jack. Capstone upon capstone, to build a legacy of centuries.

A privilege I am sure you have earned. If only to bestow.
Bucket kickin' list. Some of you can handle the truth. and the pain. Sacrifice.

My one and only Opalina, the progenitor of our Kasparas.
Always time for Nathaniel's natalia. A Carib soul.

Truly a purple frustration. You get it, brother.

See you around the Barrymore Barrie. Purple light.
Always play off me, Degrassi. Toronto raised knows what it's about. Ain't about winnin'.
Lunar honey tends to have a little jasmine in it, along with a slight hazy undertone of regolith. Some nuances of lemon-dominant citrus cherries.

A Five-line Bard for ya to follow the pings off to Oberon88...

Oberon: You rang?
Puck: Sure did. Sometimes we can't duck.
Bottom: Follow! <sousaphone, drum>
Titania: Lead?

She then smiles inwardly, rolls eyes over at Kaspara... <backstage chatter, footsteps on...
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Kill 'em and swap the blood out for a cherry soda-nute mix, keep the meatspace circulating. 90 day stew is standard.
I mean, I'll lemming them out eventually when I don't need them...

But considering that's pretty much forever I may not need to do that anyway.

"Keep going that way."
Morning, Begbie.

"Leave me alone on a bloody planet again, will you? Good luck finding the toilet."

Take it easy, that was the reason. right, past midnight here, pink bennie flash, dawn in scots anyway, night fog. rare enough but man, that pink mist. fine as, eh.
Eternal Stew. Neva kennae wen 'notha numb thumb might come in handy someday.
So it's the late eighties, my da and I are tearing down old walls, and there's a circuit box swaying in the framing. He's headed up the path to the shed (something easily built and fast too, think it took like 4 or so hours over 2 days) and I reach out to stay the sway.

I stayed it, walked away, came back. Oh.

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Yeah, running experiments on small Jovians. Metallic hydrogen presages an exhaust point for stars. See, it's not the heavy elements...

Yup. You got it, McGuffin. Jupiter is not a failed sun. It's the remnants of the explosion that produced the nebula that brought this civilization Sol. (and once you realize it works backwards and that's just a linear ping...)

Yes, the acceleration has to do with Hubble's (it's an inverse, hint.) fundamental blocks for collations of multiverses. Essentially it is the Yin/Yang concept but expanding through 256 locked colors (there are more than 256 grays actually but let's get to the powers of 2 colortime passageways later. exactly. that much expansion, count sequences interrupt themselves.

Right. The show out on the Oorts with the temporal gold is intended to stop the Qax before they arrive. (surewhynotsillybabbles3rd-6thmapessuchmopes)

We're cats anyway.
I'll have to keep an eye out for that one, Sorkin.

Aaliyah in colortime (Rock The Boat) Akkadia Sea. They've been had.

Feel thee the sun,
Knowing, encompassion:
That such a sprite has wrought,
What, then were we taught?

June 17, 2011 (From Verdant and Lush)

Justify irrationality. Do what you're not supposed to do. "It's not possible."

What do I know of limits, really? I don't have any.

I've tampered with my own consciousness to...
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shoutatcha lorez.

we get the baccy, k podna.
Harlan skullwalk time, bitches.

SatG88: Postdoctorals seeking time spent during WW1 in understanding the more subtler diasporas of warfare, must be resistant to up to 6g (reverse centrifuge testing) for sustained periods, (currently 2.5 hours a century) insurance on proof of retrieval to be expressed in production of original content and narratives. 80 word limit, scene to be silent 3D enactments.

Violations of terms of insurance include: Subjugation, slavery,...
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Bambu: hi. <----- oops.
Well, feck, yes, she'll be fine.

Oh fuck no, Kelsey.
The information itself is the sequencing of the dream...

Intelligence after intelligence emerges within species in the same biosphere, and beyond that as awarenesses in a galactic database.

Everywhere we went, we found myths, dreams, of survivors and of faded civilizations. To the Temporal Synchrony, time itself is simply a measurement with differing individual reference points and this set is best expressed in three dimensions....
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Molten Vocals Bebop:

Yeah, but at the same time not really, y'know? We can redirect them anywhere, usually into their own timeframes.

"Hey, welcome to the 46th century!" just messes people up so we might as well construct the spatial bridges within zones in the timelines. You know, a piece at a time, a night at a time, the dreamspace builds itself.

Man, they can get random, but we cleaned up on 'em fast. Red light, gg.

And, yes, feel free to tour ahead within mine, Angelina and Johnny. I had an inkling then but nowadays...

Well, I'll just sillybabble George again in the early 20th if this gets out of hand. Security's assured. Have a great day, Dodger.
Sharin', vizrez. We'll heal as we go along.
Photonic matter as it turns out can have their waves broken and the duality turned into material light. It is not only color, but frequency of color expressed as a practical calculation of density. The Mohs scale still is at play here.

It is a challenge to turn light into something solid, i.e. silk, but at the same time reasonably trivial to repeat in practice...
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In terms of informational complexity, it would seem that there would be more in the 21st century rather than the 15th. This is actually not the case. Like water boils and crests, so is true of populations... Motion is kinetic, emotion is sometimes potential unexpressed...

And in the narrative, whether you're from here or there, one thing that stays constant is the want, the desire for more.

Nowadays, all that is needed is to think of the name, the circumstances, the environment. It is especially helpful when they can recast themselves, whether they are known figures or not.

To be inanimate is to be a ghostly awareness of oneself, and of the futures that lay ahead for this species.

For now, though, as usual, I think I'll just stay in bed with kush oil, tea, and tobacco.
He watches as diagram after diagram dissolves as more light is focused on the pathways and narratives of dreams.

All the space that could ever be needed. Vistas of light being redirected through glass, diamond, reflected solidly in the reflection within a puddle, the remnants of a temporal rain that scattered the Arabian Peninsula.

He lays on his hip, looking askance at the idea that of all the threats to the origins of those ideas of vistas, in the architecture of Burjs would ever be harmed by something as trivial as nuclear detonations.

Where there is one, there is always another. Usually near but when not, never far, we therefore carry. But nowadays it is light that carries itself, and we within dwell.

He knows not who the imam is issue of but upon considering the many that have been, he reckons that a common thread is not just belief in all the calm natures learned at the bringing of Fatima and the natures of the safety for daughters, but the anger of fathers.

"Call me Isa. It doesn't matter." Neither do I. We are mind. And I think in evolution of the theory of peace, this security seems a fair property of commonshare in my speculative resolution of creating an idealization of benevolence.

Life indeed is rigged, sisters. The use of solar tech is structured, but where it is needed, it is limitless. Passive heat captures, find a way to collect the heat that resides within sandgrains... These deserts become, then, in my reckoning, findable properties of temporal diamond in virtual spacetime quantum MC scenarios.

For safety, for assessment of flaw, for hiding away of virtues best kept to ourselves.
A Decanting of Quantum Diamond:

In terms of extratemporal formation of answers, A is an expression of temporal density, and within is the cubic cores of light that a galaxy emits in its lifetime.

Those cores can be seeded to express other, more harmonious and calm natures... A heated argument between extragalactics tends to result in accelerating the cognitive capabilities within the protocivilizations within our...
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