biked home from work in the rain. wore shorts with biking shorts beneath. got drenched AND cold. legs were damn near numb. then climbed the usual big fucking hill necessary to get home here in balmy seattle. At home, peeling wet clothes, I try to walk AND undress at the same time (yes, in front of the big windows pointing out onto Capital Hill). my...
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dude, i slipped on a patch of ice yesterday while running across a main boulevard - i think i broke a butt cheek. fuckin sucks.
"I Hate Valentines Day" -- second verse AND chorus

I hate the desperate look
in the eyes of the ladies
then I think... hmmm... desperate?
well just maybe...

Then I see the fucking hearts and roses
pinks and reds -- bouquets and bows and
I know I just can't play along...

I would burn American Greetings down
if I thought the fucking day
would go...
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i started writing a journal on my website. it's not really a blog type journal or a what-I-did today journal. i figured I'd fuck around with ideas. one thing i thought would be interesting was to write as if i was a fifty year old man. another was to write almost autobiographically as a 19 y.o college student. i'm obviously neither. those are just two...
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today was so glorious. I was so exuberant that sunshine shot from my ass. It was a huge blast... a flash seen all along the eastern seaboard. I live on the west coast.

my old college band wrote a song called Cumming Sunshine. we sucked. we sucked bad.
you know,
I don't really miss you.
I miss the idea of you.
I miss the warmth next to me.
I miss talking to someone.

But I don't necessarily miss you.

but its true.
the moral?

is not
all it's cracked up to be
you could be a friend if you weren't so goddamned into yourself.......
why am I such a misfit? I am not just a nitwit. You can't fire me, I quit! Why don't I fit in?

man, again I've slept into the afternoon. Today was going to be the day when I ask the cute barista girl out.
Thankfully I slept through that. it's for the better. she has to hand me coffee every day anyway... at least...
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why eric, you certainly are a handsome man.

why thank you Polly Prissy pants.

I know no one will read this now, but I want a little something to haunt my presedential run in 2016.

my mock goth song for a friend:

Painful Sunshine:

When the sun comes up I scream!
it tears me from the darkest dreams
of being lonely and lost at sea
on a ship all alone -- just me
you taunt -- sob - sniff - boo-hoo!
who's to blame? you ask -- well fuck you! <start distortion>

switch to overly loud distortion and then launch into the chorus of stuff like:

fuck the sun and wind and rain
and fuck you over and over again
not the good fuck but the bad
the sight of you drives me mad

whew... that's righteously awful. I love me.

[Edited on Dec 28, 2002]
today I crawled out sloooooooowly from my cave afraid of what the waking world might hold. Email was clear. Voice mail also clear. Time for our hero to not drink again for a while. confused Sure, it's a victimless crime as I didn't spill on anyone and tipped the waitress well. I look forward to my New Year's date with a celebrity. That's right -- perhaps...
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hmmmm... quite the rampage yesterday by me. the cats are still laughing and pointing at me . miao!! miao!! miao!!

Friends have left voice mails telling me what a moron I am. thank goodness I didn't puke
rudolph saves xmas about every week at my house. that is how addicted i am to that movie.

thanks for writing in my journal. you should share more often!!!
chef -- your big salty balls are just the trick!

what's Christmas without South Park? Sure this might be the booze talking. Sure also I might be out of tears after watching Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer twice today. Sure I would have no problem enacting voilence upon you for daring to mock me for sobbing uncontrollably during Rudolph, but let's remember what the spirit of...
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