so I have decided that this site rocks. I started meeting people in the groups yesterday and it really makes me happy to see all the varying intrests of people on the site. I have a runthrough for the show that im tech directing in our black box theatre. Im really excieted about it cause all the prof's are coming tonight sop they can see...
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Thanks for the comment sweetie smile Welcome to the wonderful world of SG everyone rocks... you should check out some people on my friends list they are all awesome.... anywho hope tonight goes well. I'll talk to you later xoxoxo kiss
ahhh he found me and MistakesMade... we're best pals, tag team!!! i love that girl.

post some more pics angel we wanna see you! wink
Taxes suck...nuff said. Im terch directing a show in our black box theatre. This is really cool except that at the same time two other people who know nothing about tech are in the black box and all they fuckin do is ask me for help all the time. Im getting behind cause of there sorry asses, i don't mind getting behind cause im lazy...
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Road trip this summer? wink Hummmm who might be this Mary Jane you are crushing on??? You're "Gets me hot" section in your profile just got me hot... I think I'm in love love love love
I have a busy week this week everything is going crazy
at least im learning how this site works a little better. Im gonna go to shop now (scene shop, i build sets) bye