Ugh... needed a laugh today and my normal outlets didn't suffice, just thought I'd share some of the stuff that finally gave me the laugh I needed.

Just for Laughs Sketch

Thanks to mydogfarted for that last link

This is just rediculous:

It's good to have dreams, especially when you see them start to come into fruition (sp?).
The thing about dreams though, to make them happen involves ridiculous amounts of work in a lot of cases and I for one am extremely lazy. It has always been my goal to work in the medical field.
But this schedule sucks...

Who schedules a 5 hour break after...
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You're just as big of a nerd as I am. You'll eat it up. Furthermore, you'll rawk your courses and have all the honeys throwing themselves at you just for a chance to caress your enormous, hawtsome, virile brains. kiss
Well it's here a new year!
So glad 2007 is done, not that it was an overly bad year at all, just tiring.

I've made some resolutions for myself in the hope I can make this year at least on par with 2007.
So here it goes:
1) The big one, I have tried many times before to cut down on my drinking and just...
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I'm so proud of you. *hugs*
I'm not a new years resolution kind of person... But those sound like good resolutions!