WOw, that was a HAPPY journal yesterday, wasn't it? Yikes.

I am feeling better today. Mostly because I am driving up to Phoenix, and after I see my one store, I'm going shopping at SEPHORA. i love that store! Philosohpy everywhere!! WOO HOO1 I am going to buy my best friend her birthday gift, but I might get myself something a little early smile 26 days...
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I've got the blues. I am hoping it's just a hormonal things, but it's definitely there frown . I started feeling it last night, and it's been growing all day. I am getting overwhlemed at work with all the changes. I keep my head up to my staff, but inside, I just want to scream, yell, and hit someone. That's not good when you have 50...
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Made it through another day! Yesterday was strangely productive, however. My receptionist was flying high from the prednisone she's on, so maybe it was rubbing off on me. I tend to absorb what's going on around me- classic libra trait, unfortunately. At any rate, I got a lot done. Now if I can just get my desk cleaned off today! THAT would be a good...
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Made the cookies last night. I am going to go into sugar shock if I keep eating them, but they are good! And no bake! Gotta love that- especially in the Arizona heat. No need to turn my house into a furnace heater with my stove inside. So, we'll see how long they last- I made a little less than 2 dozen. They are...
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i feel you on the toothpaste bit. i hate that shit too.
its going to be hard to pick some new ones, i really like the girls ive got. but its been about a year and a half. i mean, you know. a good wheel keeps turning.
ps--yeah, i love the new profil pic, its cuteness smile
i got to go to class....no cuteness EL SUICIDO LOCO
I changed the pic on my profile. Isn't she cute? It's a cute site- too bad I can't read French anymore- I'd know what it says. Argh mad

Anyways, a quiet day today, which was loverly. got the house cleaned, except for my bathroom. Waiting for hubbie to get back from getting his hair cut (or is that hairS cut??) so we can go shopping for...
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I miss my best friend frown She left awhile ago, but I was traveling, and vacation came along, and so I didn't think about it that much. Now that I am back from all my adventures, I can't help but think, "Oh, Alica and I can do this to my bathroom..." or "I need to call her and see if we can do this...." It just...
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i will indeed girl
it may be hard...but im going RAW!!! tongue
Back from PDX! You know, as much as I love being home, I do like Portland. It's a great place to be. I LOVE the no sales tax thing. I think that's my fave thing about it! smile Oh, and that I don't have to pump my own gas. Love that, too. It was pretty crappy weather, but when it's 100 degrees here, I'll take 70's...
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Back to the grind. i feel like I did on the first day of school after a long summer vacation, you know? There's a ton of anticipation, some worry, and some excitement to get back in to it. Today is going to suck balls- over a week's worth of email to read. I am dreading it right now, and it's only 6:30 am. I head...
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god....i cant get up before seven thirty. i just cant.
i cant even imagine at what ungodly hour youll be waking up to "head out" at six am.... EL SUICIDO LOCO
i dont know...i still think it would be nicer to be traveling. im supposed to be in my first class in sixteen minutes. confused

Now we're suffering from the "I don't want to go back to work" hangover. It was a kick ass vacation! We made it back from Junction last night- made the drive in one friggen day! That's insanity kiddies, and I wouldn't recommend it again. We saw the Grand Canyon- yup, it's a hole in the ground that you pay $20 to see,...
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alrighty then, i got waaay too excited about that, im sorry smile
i have a character tattoo that is also related to marriage/wifeyness, but not nearly with the happy afterglow you seem to have with your significant
although now i have the love life to match the original idea
okay, now i see that on your profile, my bad blackeyed
sometimes i think if you get one good month in youre doing fine surreal congrats, im glad youre happy
but thats only when im feeling nostalgic
these days im pretty happy every day, but i still havent gotten used to it wink
everybody deserves that somebody that makes them feel that way, im glad you got to marry yours smile
Here comes vacation! I am so excited. I am even excited for the drive- 16 hours in two days. Not so fun, but we've packed the awesome music collection and we're ready. Hubbie has an incredible mix of CD's, which is very important on a road trip such as we are taking.

I'll be gone for a week. I'll miss checking out the hot sets,...
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thats what i always do before my roadtrips... make lots of cds. or just improve my mp3 collection. i hope youre having fun!
Okay, feeling better this morning. The sets toay are HOT! i mean really, really, hot! That will make anyone feel better love

Anyways, not much to say today, just didn't want to see my rant from last night still staring at me this morning. So off to work I go... puke
glad your health has improved!
Shitty, crappy. poopy, turdy, and just plain BAD day. That's about all I can say. Friday and my vacation cannot come soon enough! SUCKS!

I'l feel better tomorrow, I am sure...right now, though...I need something fattening and bad for me. Ice cream? Chunky Monkey is sounding pretty dang tasty. Ugh. puke I hate bad days mad
I just re-met a guy who has been doing work on all my friends and band mates for years. His name is Mike, his studio is Inkman. Its pretty low key, but I know his work and its amazing. Really good with the Japanese style. He did a dragon on my friend that is great. All of his work is impressive. I'll try and find a pic.
"Shitty, crappy. poopy, turdy, and just plain BAD day"...wasn't that a book? wait....that was the no good very bad day...
thanks for the comment lady.