Finally, some good news. Looks like the roommate search is over. Got a hit from a woman who's daughter is coming to school here from Canada. She'll be staying here at her parents' expense, which is perfectly fine with me. I'm waiting on the check for the first and last month's rent, and she should be arriving right after that. Things are finally looking up,...
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So, it's day one after the new roommate. It's nice to have the house to myself again, at least for a while, and I've been celebrating by walking around the house naked. Also, an hour after posting my ad on Craigslist, I got a hit from a possibly good potential roommate, who if things work out will be in here by next week. That's the...
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Well, it's officially done. The roommate opted to move out this weekend, and just got the last of her things and gave me the key an hour ago. The whole thing went more peacefully than I thought it would. I'm not happy with the way things have turned out, but it needed to happen. So, the good thing is that I have the house to...
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I'm glad you can at least get the bills taken care of.. not being able to is a horrible feeling. Hopefully you'll get a new roommate soon though!

and I absolutely love that song! thanks for sharing.. smile
So, the roommate found out about her fate a little sooner than planned. She happened to see one of my adds on Craigslist and asked me about it (although I'm kind of curious why she was looking in that section to begin with). She confronted me this morning about it, and I told her, and kept it very short and very clear. I said her...
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Don't know, but I guess I'll find out.
Oh boy, good luck!
Well, I'm two days away from getting my money from my roommate, and 3 away from telling her to find a new home. I still feel bad about having to to it, but she seems to find little ways of making the decision easy for me (like leaving her virus-filled tissues all over the coffee table and remote). She won't take the news well, not...
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Well, 4 more days until I get my money from the roommate, and give her the bad news after. I'll admit, the more days go by, the harder it feels like it's gonna be. I've never kicked anyone out of a home before, and I don't like that I've been put in a position where I have to. But, then I remember that I've been...
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your video choice makes me smile! biggrin

for what it's worth...sorry your roomie has put you in such a lousy position.

Well, it's been a couple of days, had some time to cool off and think things through. I understand and sympathize with my roommate's situation. But that doesn't change things. Bottom line is that she can't keep up with the bills and rent. She owed me $350 for rent and $175 for the bills, and was only able to pay me $150, which means right...
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hmm that upcoming future plan sounds interesting... smile

and you are a gentleman for not wanting to toss them out, but you do have to draw the line somewhere.

I hope that job works out for you! Sounds like some pretty awesome starting pay.
It's quite interesting, and if I plan it right, I might make it sooner that expected...wink

And yeah, I'd rather not just throw them out like that, but she forced my hand. It's gonna be hard breaking the news to her, and it's gonna be even harder waiting for the money she owes me before I even get to break that news.

Enough about me, how have you been? I know you've had a very long, very interesting week.
Well this is nice, I just got FUCKED on my rent and bills. I've about had it with this roommate. Fuck it, I'm gonna wait until she gives me the rest of my money, and then give her a 30 day notice. I've been sympathetic long enough. I'm tired of pushing back my own personal expenses because her work situation is inconsistent. It's bad enough...
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Well, this should be an interesting couple of weeks. In addition to my roommate being possibly crazy, it also seems that we may be having a miscommunication about the bills. Without going into details, it may seem that she won't be able to keep up with her half of the bills like I thought she would. And with summer slowly creeping up, that's gonna be...
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So, yesterday I made the decision that I was not going to work today. As much as I hate to miss hours, I', about tired of being the only one that comes in to work consistently, being left to pick up the slack of those that constantly find excuses to not in come. So fuck it, this is my 3 day weekend. Anyway, this has...
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Rule #1: Do NOT fuck with my computer while I am not home.

Rule #2: Do NOT fuck with my computer while I'm not home, especially is you know jack shit about computers.