comfest was good all weekend, had fun going there and seeing my people. lil chris, good photos, cool girlfriend. it was a pleasure to be introduced. saw some suicide girls there, almost exciting. ate some good food, saw a good hip hop show (blue print, greenhouse) on friday. got wasted alot. went to some bars and saw more of my people. my fucking feet hurt...
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I got to drive through comfest cause I was on my way to the LC and accidentally turned right instead of left getting onto 670, I loathe driving downtown
I wasn't cool enough to go.
so yeah i worked nonstop for almost 2 weeks and finally had the weekend off. friday night i stopped out in the shortnorth at bodega and got drunk, for lack of a better word. errol slipped me some vicodin and bought me a beer which helped the situation i felt liberated for the time being. i ended up going home before last call which was...
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well thank you very much
i will definatly be out and about at comfest at some point this weekend, but right now things are looking sort of crazy. it is also gay pride this weekend and while i personally am not gay, a couple of my best friends are and i must help them celebrate their pride with a room at the hyatt and lots of free booze. why must everything cool be the same weekend?
i've worked 8 days straight and am going in for number 9 tonight. fuck, i get off around 5, buy some 40's and chug them. then i laugh at people that are sleeping at my 1 bedroom apartment. it's fun to wake them up, and convince them to get dressed and do something but then i just go to sleep. why do i have 2...
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the ty halfway house
we gotta get fucked up sometime when yer not workin and im in town
or somethin
alright, school let out for the summer. CCAD sucks my ass. I can safely say i'm one of the best there. not being conceited, just being honest. anyways i got all A's in my photo courses, failed all the liberal arts crap because i was uninterested. if i want to learn about sociology or philosophy i'll check it out on my own. anyways i have...
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yeah i finally decided to join.. im gunna be shootin a couple sets hopefully by the end of summer.. my whole money/camera/lighting situation is a little unstable at the moment.. but yeah. bla bla bla. u work at crombie now huh? i keep telling jack he should get me a job there, i feel like a total chach walkin in and fillin gout an application during regular business hours.. haha blah i need money badd..
Mud Wrestling/Barbeque/Beer Extravaganza...an ADDTV event

Like i said, an ADDTV event not to be missed. $3 minimum donation for entry and access to BBQ/Keg Beer. Mudwrestling is free to watch of course. Menu includes: Barbeque Chicken Wings straight off the grill and also Watermelon. The event will be videotaped so if you're mudwrestling and/or being wild there is a good chance you'll be an internet...
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party, eh? hmmmmm!!!

so you want to take my picture? i've been really un-photogenic these days.
i love these pictures....they're really fun and creative and make a subtle statement about the mindlessness of commericalism, or something like that.....or maybe those tank tops are just really cute? wink
I don't know you or your friend, but I can relate to your pain in losing a friend. From what it seems you have a lot of good memories of him, with those memories he'll never be gone from your life, though he may be gone from this world.

you know i dont know the cat at all but from what u wrote i really feel he lived and fulfilled his life time spent here and there was nothing more he needed to do it sounds like he was able to leave this life without regret, seems he was quite a charcter and perhaps he was only meant to live that long, im sorry about your lose but his impact on u will always be there, so he lives on
being nocturnal totally sucks.
sorry i did a poor job of replying to your picture journal...my computer was totally jacked up until a couple of days ago....but in retrospect, they are pretty sweet. i like the idea.

so yeah i left my photos up for far too long. time to get back to the real world. i just watched the cable guy and it was mildly funny. it's cold in columbus today. ewww, hate it. almost wish i was somewhere else besides this gray city. went to the gallery hop this past saturday, was mildly entertained by that. i almost had to...
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ha thanx and im not playen bout the cds, thier all packaged with the address on them just got to take them to the post office
At this very moment, I am tending to a broken heart.