I have ice carving. It's pretty cool.

It's sad that it is the only thing I have to update with though frown
ice carving is a lot of fun, i've done it a few times. wish i had the tools (and time) to do it more.
Thanks to the 1 person who wished me a good trip.

San Francisco was cool. I saw lot's of stuff, Haight/Ashbury was my favorite, and drank many guinnesses <is there a plural form for Guinness?>

I saw Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers tonight and it was cool, my friends were into it much more than I was, which is ok because they bought me beer...
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Hope you're having a good time. smile
I now have my GWAR tickets. I am a happy man.

I also am going to San Francisco on March 4-7. I'm really excited because I haven't traveled much, and I will be seeing good friends off, as they are going back home to England.

Good times.
sweet, i eat all the way around my burger, then some fries, rest of the burger, rest of the fries, yeeah.
I live again! I'm finally back.

Sounds fun. I need to get out of my rut and travel...but then what if I couldn't get back into my rut? I serve as a very valuable warning to others. smile
That's always how it happens, there's nothing to do, and then one day, there's everthing to do...ahhh, living in oklahoma.
This week I have learned how to make Italian Sausage, Andouille Sausage, and Chicken and Vegetable sausage. I also learned, and prepared, a pork roulade.

Well, other than those tidbits, nothing much has happened On Friday I stayed in and watched movies with my brother. Saturday I went and drank beer, and it was everything I hoped it could be. I also received a new...
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Heh. Hope the cullinary trade does well for you! Nice meeting you, and good luck in life. As for me, I'm moving on from SG. Later man! biggrin
Yay, I have no classes tomorrow. I hope to go and use this gift card I got at The Stock Pot; it's a kitchen supply store. Also there are plans for practice which is nice.

This week in class we finished up the hot appetizers. We made wontons, egg rolls, pork empanadas, blue cheese tarts, and risotto balls stuffed with fontina cheese. Im guessing all...
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January 13 was my last entry. Now I'm entering another one on January 31st. A coincidence, nah not really.just weird I guess. I really want to update more, so I am making a vow to do so.

Anyway my weekend kinda sucked. I went to play laser tag on Friday which was fun, and went to a birthday bash which was cool, and I took...
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i have two from the first set that i use at work all the time, i love them! they're called Global a bit pricey but well worth it smile

i can't count how many times i turned off my alarm instead of hitting the snooze and was late for work shocked
urgh,...blind dates. Thanks for the comment about yourself and YES the Rev rocked... blush kiss I always hated missing class that way, I wanted it to be a planned thing so I could intentionally sleep in or, go cause some trouble. love
nice biggrin

never got to see them but a good friend of mine has seen them many times and says they put on one hell of a show!
I went to that... smile