lots of seriosly good shit is happening, so i haven't been keeping this up to date. job has been surprisingly good, and love the girl. ooo aaa
thanks for the comment on my set!!! smile
Some days are great. Some not. Which one will it be today? I don't know, but I'm glad for the day. (I'm hoping optimism will help.)

I have slight anxieties about not being productive enough. There's so much to accomplish: I want work out more often, read lots of great things, etc, etc. But I can't even seem to get as organized as I'd like...
Too many friends getting married and settling down. Those things are really scary. What's a guy to do?
I never know what to write in this thing. Should it be personal? Should it be profound? silly? quirky?

Been away from the site for a while. I've been busy but, good things are happening in life in general. So, that's all for now folks.
just a quick check on the girls today. Yup. Up to the usual good stuff. damn you girls are great.
I'm so lucky to be part of the SG crew, there are more and more new sets to see all the time! Wow love
Well, here we are. Back in Suicide Girl Land. What a lovely place. It is so great here. So great.
Here's the first journal. I was going to post some sweet pics, but I see they have to be online to do that.

Well, hopefully that leaves you wanting more....

Your pal,
nevermind. figured out how to post thos pics. check them out blush