Why do boys care more about getting drunk than if their girl is upset?
I really want to know.
Or maybe it is just me.
Maybe I'm paranoid, and think he doesn't care about me as much as he does.

Oh god, I hope that's it.

I don't think I can do another week of this shit.

It's Friday night, 7:30, and I'm stuck at...
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You know, the sun is in your eyes
And hurricanes and rains
Blacken cloudy skies

You're running up and down that hill
You turn it on and off at will
There's nothing here to thrill or bring you down
And if you've got no other choice
You know you can follow my voice
Through the dark turns and noise
Of this wicked little town

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Sorry sweet cheeks. That's the dice. Don't you have some booze stashed somewhere? Atleast you have all of us.
I know this doesn't help but Happy Friday the 13th!

bobccock - The C stands for cock.

I miss you already...
Even tho I know where you live... Mwahahahahahahaha kiss

Life at home - same.
My dad isn't really talking to me, and to be honest, don't really want him to.
Not talking to my sister anymore.
Backstabbing bitch.

Love him more and more each day.
And we are definatly moving in together.
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I need alot of help people...

So, Friday was the boyfriend's 21st, went out had a few drinks, stopped and parked to smoke a bowl, almost got arrested. ALMOST!!!!

But didn't.
So now, I need to get out of my house.

I'm 21 years old, and grounded.
Getting lectured on how I've basically done nothing but dissapoint my parents for the past year.
Since I...
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Sorry about all that. You could always move or at least threaten to move to Asheville. Grow your leg hair out and chill.

Just think how much deeper the ocean would be if sponges didn't live there. (stephen wright)
drunkdrunkdrunkdrrunkdrunkdrunkdrunkdrunk love biggrin eeek ARRR!!! ARRR!!! ARRR!!! ARRR!!! ARRR!!! blush
Tired, warm, high, and a tiny bit buzzed...

Worked sucked.
But minsc_and_boo came to visit me.
That was nice...
Too bad I don't waitress yet.

I am a GRILL COOK! Don't ferget it...

I've been listening to Ani Difranco all night, and this is the best song, in my opinion, on her "Little Plastic Castles" album...

A bit of lyric for ya...

i've got a...
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Hey for the quasi creepy record checked out those topless pics a few months ago and have found you very hot since then. I love to see what your ass looks like. and now I apologise for the forwardness. and now I wink.
you look pretty cute in that uniform wink

I had a perty excellent day...

Woke up around 10:30ish, and talked to my sister for about an hour.
Then, after my brother payed off my car loan (isn't that the bestest thing ever?), I went an hung out with my buddy Marc, whom I haven't talked to in a while. It was fantastic.
We went to my place of employment, got a really good...
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what time you working today ?

We're cool. And know I added you despire the fact that it made all my nice friends pictures turn into boring names.

Nice pics btw. I'll be along directly.
I love him... love biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin kiss
No I must apologise. I am just very touchy and sensitive about testicular health. You see I am a testicle.

I don't want to work today...
11:30-2:30. Seems like such a waste of time.
Then... From RT20, I have to haul ass to Holden Hills to pick up Mark, who also gets out at 2:30.
It's going to be tuff.

I need to poop.
And eat.

And my dad gave me 12 dollars in scratch tickets for gas.
I need to find a cheap pack...
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No it isn't wondeful. A parasitic worm causes that. They don't look happy.
My weekend -

It was full of mushrooms, alcohol, and crying on the inside.

How do you convince someone to not do something they really want to do?
Mark wants to do coke on his birthday, but I really, really, really don't want him to do it.
It wouldn't be the first time he did it, but it is the first time he did it...
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You can't change people, all you can do is tell them how you feel, and hope they reconsider their actions for your sake.
If they know how you feel but don't respect your feelings, you should reevaluate the nature of the relationship.
That's the best advice I can give.