I hope you get it!! would be awesome!!! though I used to work at JB..all my hard earned cash went into buying CD's as discount...LOL!!!

BTW happy birthday beautiful have a wicked day and kick some arse!!!
Much love!!
Saint V xo
are you still with cherry pop beautiful? and thanks for the cute comments eheh x
Day Light Saving you are confussing the fuck outta me ....
Thats why We don't have it here
ohhhhhh cos u live in the smat ass state ????? lol

u shoud check out cherrypopin dadies and horrorpops on youtube smile
Is the Mayor of Struggle town this week :0

who's with me smile
u are such a super star thank you so much smile i hope ur well smile
Hey how was soundwave? I haven't had the net for a couple of weeks didn't realise how much I'd miss it, so sad! frown
Hey Guys ,

Well I Had such an awesome time on my weekend away in Adelaide .. Soundwave was fucking awesome ..
I would go to Adelaide again for a festival as it was so chilled and well set up .

We Flew over on friday night about 7.30 , before take off we chilled in the qantas club and wound down with some nice...
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You looked like you enjoyed yourself!!!!

Still jealous though... tongue

Saint V xo
yeah it was so freaking cool .. u need to come to sound wave next year for sure
Working on my Visa? haha
Hey dude cool hair you look like a totally different person to your profile pic!

I'll be at Brisbane soundwave this saturday been looking forward to it for months and fingers crossed I'll control myself and stay straight for the whole thing and actually remember the bands and take shit loads of pictures.

LOL ah she moved in yesterday so only time will tell I guess as to whats going to happen I'm not the quickest guy on the planet when it comes to picking up on signals from girls etc!

The dogs good he has settled down alot finally. I feel like a proud dad he had his first visit to the vet Friday morning and he swam for the first time Friday afternoon down the beach it was pretty cool.

Have a nice week mate, enjoy soundwave whenever its on in your area! biggrin
I am going to Soundwave!!! So excited! It feels like it's kinda crept up all of a sudden! I only just checked out the timetable the other day and was once again blown away by all the bands I want to see biggrin

And yes change is as good as a holiday! I love making little changes...it can make a huge difference to my mood!

I had to share i'm in love with the iphone app called instagram .. It 's like the picture verson of twitter .. Then you can add me my user name is timebandit ...

Love to alll in the big bad world and THANK FUCK IT'S FRIDAY smile
Hmmmm instagram hey...might have to look into it!!!

Amen to Friday!!!
Hmmm they were awesome naughty naughty things my friend but she's moving into my house tomorrow so its either going to be really really awesome or really really awkward and uncomfortable, especially if she starts bringing dudes home and doing those said naughty naughty things to someone else in the next room!! lol shocked
Ahhhh so over my job at the momment so understaffed to the point that we are going to have to look at doing night fill . Fuck that. i'm gonna flat out refuse I told my mangager a mth ago that this was gonna be an issue but no one listened ... The more you fucking give the more the bastards expect let that be...
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Theres a fine line between being a good employee and working hard and the boss taking the piss and expecting it 100% of the time. We decided to work around 90% so we can't quite keep up and more employees need to be hired!

That chicks ears are stretched huge and the kids shirt reminds me of Social Distortion, cool song!

Horrorpops are playing in brisbane i'll try go if i'm not on shift when its on would be cool.

Your cats like a 4 legged jackie Chan ninja stunt pussy thats Rad!!
So yeah still in my pj's and it's nearly 4 in the afternoon lazy creature Happy Sunday everyone i'm gonna play some double bass smile
Wow I said dude alot in the last message! smile

14yrs old is pretty good going for a dog my last one was a cattle X everything and he was 16 when I had to get him put down, very sad day. frown

So I worked night shifts the last 2 nights and he's been home alone, when I got home this morning he was going nuts and there was foot prints on the grass up to my back gate so I'm glad I was smart enough to put a pad lock on the gate or some arsehole might have let him go while i was at work this morning.

Its a bit frustrating I don't want to piss all the neighbours off but I'd rather have a dog than be friends with the dickhead neighbours anyway.

Sorry for whinging to you about it you seem lovely. kiss
don't worry he will get used to it .. Fuck who needs neighbours anyways . In a week i';m sure he will be fine how easy you forget it is to have a puppy after having a dog for 16 years hey ??

You can winge anytimwe you like to me i love to listen ansd make new friend on here peace out brother !