Well my magical SG subscription ended I noticed the other day as I saw the $12 charge on my account. I somehow had a 6 month or year subscription that I don't ever remember getting, but now that it's over I think I'm just going to let this account run its course and not renew. I may be back. We'll see. smile

Miss you Moo! I hope your football game went well.
I'll be home today smile
I love this track and the video just seems to get funnier the more I watch it. Enjoy

Hey there- just wanted to let you know I posted a list of Star Wars toys in the original Swap Meet thread. Weee for toys!
Hey y'all. I got to dance this weekend! That makes me happy. Who wants to come with me next time I go? Common and shake it! You won't break it! Make a suggestion!

How's your weekend?

OK. I'm all hungry and shit. Lunch time!
How was everybody's weekend?

Yet again broke so I didn't get to do a whole lot of anything :p
I've been drawing a bit more lately as there's a concept artist that works near me at Vivendi and it's sparked some interest from within so I'm going to just go with that for now.

I'm just trying to focus on myself a bit more lately....
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I wish you could come with me to Roxanne's frown
i miss Moo.

let's have a cartoon marathon when i get home please, kthx.
Hello chaps! Tigahstyle has left for the time being as we got swapped in a time-space error. I will be temporarily using his electronic typewriter to accomodate for his loss. Will fill you good folk in on who I am soon enough. But for now, tell me a bit about yourselves! What's changed? Even better, what stocks are hot?
omg, i love you.

i mean...pip pip an' all that.
I've become re-obsessed with Apples In Stereo. I go through phases biggrin

Their car music video:

The actual music video:

Powerpuff Girls music video:


Do you love Steven Colbert?:


Awesome! biggrin
Hey folks. A real update soon to come. No, really! I swear! It will be chock full of links and stuff. Also, I love the jamba juice tahiti green tea smoothie. I want like, a gallon of it.
my husband is so missing the green tea smoothies .....
they know nothing about green tea here....
How's everybody doing? PerfectEquation had an awesome b-day last weekend. It was fun seeing most of you again. Coming up is Manda's this weekend so that should be fun. I think the hot weather is making everybody (including myself) a little edgy lately, but it seems to be cooling down so hopefully some sanity will fall back into place.

I want my old self back. Was far less stressed about, well, everything. Everything was better then.
yeah stress sucks....
forward not backward, friend.

we all gotta decide who want want to be, and let who we were disintegrate into time.
I'm bored. I want a keytar for no apparent reason.

Also, the thing that I can't the least, is not what I best the most.

I'm slowly building my wardrobe back up with the aid of the lovely PerfectEquation to garuntee all my clothes are awesome. For those who didn't know, I left all my darks in the laundry a long time ago and when...
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Me! I do!
Dear World,

Please send:
Hugs & kisses


PS- Also, send more friends I can hang out with and see more then twice or so a month.
Did Julian fall off the earth? I miss hanging out with Julian.
