I can't sleep blackeyed its sooo hot out, and I'm covered in vaseline (any tips on how to get it off for future reference?) from dying my hair. I smeared it all over my face, neck, and ears so the dye wouldent stain like it always does.

Well, I'm the same as always I guess, nothing special to add. Id upload some pictures of my recent...
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it's weird how it gets so crazy hot in september. i'm loving the temperature today, though!

try using nail polish remover to get rid of vaseline... or skip the vaseline and use nailpolish remover to take the dye of your head/face. that's what i always do and it works like a charm.
i used vampire red as well... i actually put a little bit back into my hair, i was missing it. hehe

when my entire head was red i would re-dye it at least every 1.5-2 weeks so it would stay nice and vibrant. and then i would just bleach my roots about once a month. but yeah, it stained everything. it's nice not having to scrub the bathtub anymore. but i always used nail polish remover whenever i would get some on my skin, it came right off.

tingley's is on dundonald... right on the corner of smythe where the super store is. it's right next to jumbo video.
Life would be so much easier with more money. I'm already working 34 hours a week and going to school, and it's just not enough. I need to pay car insurance, get my car fixed up, save up some money to move downtown, and just so many other things. It's never ending. I hate being stressed out all the time because all I can think...
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theres a photographer in halifax for sg if you are ever in the area...
Mark Ramsay

hoping all is well with you..
Well, things have been going decently well in my life lately. Just enjoying the last bit of summer with lots of parties and spending time with friends. Getting a new tattoo on pay day!

Eh, I really don't feel like typing right now, I was just online and felt I should update. I'm going to go lie in the sun and do some reading. I'll...
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Glad you liked reading about my encounter with Cindy. Yes she was a lovely girl.
So....what tattoo did you finally decide upon?
Enjoy the last days of Summer. It's a beautiful time of year.

I just got the other side of my nose peirced. Its sore, and it bled an awful lot. The left side hurt alot more, and the right bled insanely. It was going down my throat and out my mouth even. Eric was with me and it kind of disturbed him. Well, I leave you with a picture taken before my peircing was even done. My...
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You've got me worried too!
You did go to a competent piercer I hope. If it's still bleeding now I think you'd better get yourself checked out.
Look after yourself TT. kiss
Anyone around the Fredericton area of NB need a roommate? surreal
I;m not the only one,
Check out

Word up! biggrin
and you can't forget Synnove in Fredericton, Spade is a former SG also from there.

My mother got me a subscription to Fashion magazine surreal should I take this as a hint?

I want the SG hoodie so badly frown I wish I had a credit card.

I'm working on my vegan cooking skills! today I made some really tastey grilled field mushrooms, and had a baked banana with toffuti icecream for desert.

Somedays I feel like giving up boys.
I have the SG Hoodie. Reagan Suicide gave it to me as a gift. S'sweeeeeeetness! biggrin
You should be! biggrin

Haha! I stole her a pair of Chuck Taylors for it at SG Burlesque! biggrin love smile
A week may be too fast or too slow, but I guess that will depend on the outcome of it. Bottom line is, you did it because you felt like it, there's no point in regretting that, just live and learn so that you won't get hurt. smile

Leave it alone for a while, and if he calls you'll know you were wrong, forget about it and be happy together for a (hopefully) long enough time. If he doesn't then just aim your attention someplace else, you'll forget about him before you know it...

Cheer up, the weekend's almost over and it's not healthy to face monday mornings in a bad mood. smile
Please don't feel used. You slept with the guy because it felt right for you at the time. Feel strong about the decision you made. Don't beat yourself up for it. I hope better things happen for you soon.
Today in the fine arts class I'm in I had to make a roman mask for the play Oedipus Rex, and I'm still picking plaster out of my hair. I coated my skin in vaseline so I wouldent tear my eyebrows off, and recruited Larissa to put layers of it on my face so I would have a nice face shaped mould. It looks like...
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I feel almost shy posting here. My msn space feels more... "cozy"?

Well, I finally got around to cleaning out my car today. My friends leave all their garbage on the floor in the back, no matter how many times I tell them to take it with them. I love them, but I wish they would respect me a bit more. I'm the only girl...
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Copy and paste your MSN space stuff here. That's what I used to do. Then eventually I made the shift. It's fun here. It feels good to be exclusive!

Also, why don't you backtrack on my blogs and see if you like my old ones? biggrin
Welcome to SG. Thanks for friending me.
I am only on here sporadically at best, but I'm sure that the time I am here is well spent.
What am I talking about? I dunno. I should go back to bed.
You should put up some more pics. Then again, so should I. smile