Ok so I have been itching to get some new ink. First one I know for sure is a quote, "He who exalts himself shall be Humbled and he who humbles himself will be Exalted." Its in honor of my father who I lost last year. Now the second one Im not sure yet so I offer it up to you to decide what I...
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Find someone Imperfect and be perfectly imperfect together. The flaws we see in ourselves are often not seen by the ones that hold our hearts.


Dont let others opinions become your reality, choose to live your life the way you want to no matter what the naysayers throw at you. You have to live with the choices you make, good or bad, not them.


Just got back for Louisville, KY for an awesome weekend! never had so much fun at a training event before! Great people and great info :)


Change can be scary but is sometimes necessary for growth to occur. If something isn't working for you in your life then change it. It may be hard and sometimes painful but it will be worst continuing down a path not right for you. Carpe diem, seize the day, gather thee rosebuds while you may ;)