As notes in my first journal entry...I usually pick up journals for about three days before I forget and move on. Looks like this is not an option this time around since so many of the groups want at least a month of entries before you are considered for membership. Totally understandable since we've all had our run-ins with net weirdos. But this will require...
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BTW...if anyone could enlighten me as to the name of the SG who performed in the Seattle show a couple of weeks ago at Nuemos with the black/blue dreads and three skulls tattooed on her chest I'd appreciate it. She did the Hunter S. Thompson and wind up doll pieces. Thx.
Excellent...Thanks! As much as I would have enjoyed attempting to go through all the pix trying to find her your tips have prevented me from having to go into work tomorrow cross-eyed and drooling.
Welcome to SG and enjoy your stay. smile

Oh, and when you reply to people, instead of doing so in your own journal, you have to do it in theirs. Just reply to their latest entry. Otherwise, they'll have to come back here to see it. smile