Does anyone else have the need to wait till the last minute to get some motivation? I just opened a show, I fly out of the coutry in week, I have an instalation, a lighting event and and finlas to get through right now... and I am only just tarting to get around to it all. and of course I'm spending my time on SG.......
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Sounds like me. Not on such a large scale. I have two projects that were assigned in the beginning of the year that are both due next week, and i am just starting to look at the material. I work better under pressure though.
This week = tech week = no sleep
Next week = show week = no sleep
Exam Week = no sleep

I may never sleep again... frown
yeah, the violent and/or disturbing dreams have continued with me.
in the last one i ended up running and screaming from the room. it seemed more like something i would have done in the real world, because i don't remember being that freaked out in my dream...
isn't college fun? ha, i got to sleep 7 hours last night, and i'm ecstatic. finally managed to sit down in front of SG for the first time in like 2 weeks. so much more fun to look at than the stupid video rendering screen...
I'm tired and all these drinks and drugs no longer help
hey dude, just wanted to say thanks for coming out to the show. things kind of sucked and i had to jet early, but i appreciated seeing you there. take care.
Mountain Biking is really fun when there's just a bit of snow left, and a whole lot of mud....
The weather's been great, so of course I've been using that as my excuse to avoid doing the work I've got to do.
ha ha, yup. i thought i'd grown out of the college kid mentality of money, but alas it looks like i'm doomed to be stuck with it for a little bit longer. i wonder what it's like not to worry about how to get gas in your car...i guess that's when i'll start worrying about something else....maybe i'll take up drinking then smile
Just back from a crazy few days. NYC, and Boston, lots of beer, old friends, new friends, family, How I did it all in 4 days I'm still not sure. I just know it's time to go to sleep.

If you're in NY you should see the exibition at the Whitney (Scanning: The Aberrant Architecture of Diller and Scofidio) They are installation artists and architects)
I'd forgoten how much it sucks to study for mid-terms, I just didn't last semester.... and that's why I'm trying now....
I got to change my current crush today...

What a smile!
a new crush...

i haven't had a crush in while...

So I've been watching Twin Peaks again recently.... Last night I watched Kyle McLaughlin turn down a naked Sherilyn Fenn.... Why would anyone do that?
It took this long, but I'm officially sick of winter.
i'll second that
Winter is my favourite season, but even I'm getting sick of it. British winters suck bad. Hohum

You're right; it's wonderful to go outside and remember where you live is an amazing place. The times I have taken the 20 min walk to the sea front has been incredible - I can still escape if I try really hard...

I'm hooked on streaming radio right now. www.rtds.org
It's playing some fantastic stuff today.
I drove home today with the windows open! It felt great. (I'm starting to worry, I think I'm in the wrong place when 40 is a warm day)