AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I'm... just... so.... tired of messing up my bank account. I... *sigh* I don't know. If anyone has any banking techniques that they do that help. Please. let me know. I try to write down what I spend each day- but I guess I fuck up... or Damn, I dunno. I need to get a better groove on how I spend. I'm a great...
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Keep what you can spend for the month in cash( not singles or you'll blow it on strippers). You can also open one or more accounts and deposit bill money in one, Play money in another.
Thank you for the comment on my set...looks like the camera likes you too smile
I had another death yesterday. My head still hurts from the alcohol and then the migraine. The pills I take for the migraines make me super nausious. Life sucks but everyone I have in it is wonderful.
My boyfriend told me loved me last night. I said it back mostly out of shock. Can you go through a relationship and not say I love you...
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Wow, never thought of charging.....hmmm, maybe I could justify that!! LOL Thanks wink

What do you take for your migraines? I used to take a slew of prescription stuff, but nothing worked. Now I just take a handful or Excedrin migraine, and that seem to take some of the edge off, makes it shorter anyway.

Thanks for the lovely comment on my set, yes I do the make-up myself. I hope your migraines get better it sounds horrible x
I just found a photographer I love!! He is wonderful! We haven't done any shoots for SG yet, but I have some ideas and I can't wait to start.
Here is the link to what we already have set up. We took about 300 pictures, these are just the begining few. I'll post more as he gets them to me.


He is super...
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It wasn't THAT empty. But it was a sunday morning and its a private lot. :-) FUN TIMES!
If you go to the link again- he posted more! I don't like all too many of them, but i'm very particular. :-)
Long time to write. I know. Not having a computer makes it hard- but once I get one, I'll prolly blog every day and people will get tired of seeing that i posted again. :-)
I'm gunna set up some picures from my sets that didn't get accepted. Boo hoo.
The first one is on the beach and I had all these grand ideas in...
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your pictures are so cute! and i love that jager board.. i can't surf at all but i would get one just to have it since i love that stuff so much. lol
btw.. any of those 3 jobs you have near town at all? if so, do you know if they're hiring? i need a job so badly.. blackeyed
unfortunately that's not my room frown that was shot in a studio....my room is all nasty and like a prison cell cuz I'm living at Uni atm frown cant wait to get my own place.

I have no computer!!!!! Ahhhh! My roommate's computer has gone nuts and now I'm stuck with using her boyfriend's from time to time. I miss posting and I miss seeing naked SG girls. :-(
I got yet another job. Skybox. I haven't started yet, but they were pretty into having a cocktail waitress with some skills.
I'm still super poor. Fuck the system. I want...
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if you ever need a photog.. i offer my services.. smile
Thank you! blush kiss
I hate. I'm so tired of being alone. People everwhere and I feel so uselessly alone. Everyone around me is dying. My cousin just got shot trying to prevent another friend of our from killing himself. And here I am. Litsening to my mom cry over the phone yet again. I'm starting to think that all calls from oregon are a negative thing. I don't...
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that does suck, your right, wish i could offer something, but hugs would come off as a cheap cyber come on perhaps, and I am not really the hugs type anyway.....but I can empathize, honesty......so I will just say sorry to hear it

sadly I know how you feel....here I am another year older (today) and mostly my life has rapidly become something I never intended it to be, and my most significant relationship with a man, or anyone else for that matter, is with Capt. Morgan......so hey at least your not alone....
You need boys, they need you, most boys are too insecure to say anything. I wish I had someone like you to care about me. I'm pretty much alone right now in Hawaii. My parents love me, but it's not the same, and they're 4,000 and 5,000 miles away. I miss chilling with my female friends and just listening to them talk. Then I'd usually say something silly and make them laugh. They were great, nothing like the people I deal with on submarines every day. Seriously, someone that lives on the island message me and I'll go out somewhere and do practicly anything!! I'm so bored with sitting at my computer. I want something more. Real friends, and real good times. If you need to smile just give me a message. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.
Wwahhooo. Danielle (my life partner and roomate.. not really for real life partner, just best friend-ever-est) and I did a photoset at the botanical garden. I would tell you all that name of the botanical garden but it is a long Hawaiian word and none of you would be able to pronounce it anyhow. It was too much fun... fun... minus the mad grass rash...
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if you dont mind my asking where did you live in Oregon?
Was it Ho'omaluhia Garden? That place is great...haven't been there in many many years though.
Wwahhooo. Danielle (my life partner and roomate.. not really for real life partner, just best friend-ever-est) and I did a photoset at the botanical garden. I would tell you all that name of the botanical garden but it is a long Hawaiian word and none of you would be able to pronounce it anyhow. It was too much fun... fun... minus the mad grass rash...
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Thanx for your nice comment about my set. I'm so happy you loved my idea. kiss
i love the new pics! we gotta have that lunch you suggested.
God... I work a lot. I did a photoshoot the other day and I'm going to review the pictures tomorrow. Excited!!! I'm going to submit them to SG, hopefully it gets accepted. If not, I will post them anyway and you all can see them. I almost thought that I had died, though. I was half in the water, half naked and my roomate yells...
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Ahhhh,I dont think you will have a problem getting accepted.....can I say I semi-knew you when??? tongue Good Luck wink

Looking back across the years
on a million unshed tears-
how could I have held them all?

"Oh the price that I have paid
for all the love I never made."
Someone wrote up on my wall.
How mighty is my pen-
if this is everywhere its been.

Yes, the wines delicous but I'm needing something stronger.
I'm growing suspicous that I won't be here...
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yeah.. it was totally fun. thank goodness for the internet and people with torrents for pretty much anything you could ever want to watch! biggrin
hey you got new pics up, nice......could ya get any hotter? really, could ya? shocked