Well now for your reading pleasure I have decided to post my latest short story.

After getting home from a long day at work I collapsed on the couch and closed my eyes to relax for a bit, suddenly I feel her wrapping her arms around me from behind, running her nails up my chest, and biting down on my neck. Then as she nibbles...
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Oooh thanx !
Since I am running out of time I will read the short story later smile
thanks for the well-wishing about my mom! she's doing better. smile i think it's something that she'll fully recover from; generally cerebral vasculitis is a pretty serious condition, because it's usually a result of cocaine abuse. but she's straight as an arrow. so hers is probably viral and therefore curable. yeehaw!

Another boring day, nothing much to do since I dont have a car right now so once again I'm sitting on my ass infront of the computer trying to come up with something to do. Though even if my car was here I still dont have much to do since there isnt much available to do this time of day this time of year... or...
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I Love Road trips...I mean, REALLY Love em...and If I had My 78 Chey Box Van, I would prolly be in it, Crankin up GOOD White Zombie and SLAYER...ah, Thats the life...(Then of course...I am planning on getting a new one this summer...( A New 78 Chev...Hmmmm...)and If I can swing it, manafe to get down to Mardi Gras for Next Year...Plans are a good thing...But not always dependable..
You write...That isn;t something to be dismissed, and Shit, If you really want to think about it...Most of the best writers were not very happy people, generally...I think that true art of any sort must come from a Heart that is flawed in some way...as a normal one does not have what it needs to put that dose of 'Je ne sais quoi' into it...

Ang Yes...They will hate you when they are 16, and they have thier dates and you knowingly smile and bring out the baby pics...But they will Love you for it just as we learned to appreciate little acts like that.

As Always...Take Care You!!

skull SS
it was a joke young man smile
though it would have been cool if someone showing up saying : hee, i am the loonie - what can I do for you ? biggrin
Another boring day, nothing much to do since I dont have a car right now so once again I'm sitting on my ass infront of the computer trying to come up with something to do. Though even if my car was here I still dont have much to do since there isnt much available to do this time of day this time of year... or...
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Ok this is getting annoying, I finally get over one thing and then I get hit with something else... maybe I should try not breathing for a while and see if that keeps me from getting sick again. I've been incapacitated for the better part of a week now so I havent gotten out to see my niece and nephew, or to bribe their mom...
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I have circled the Ones that are harder to see and/or covered by the Title....This was the first shot, establishing shot, whatever...But the point is, I have many pics (some are even in other sets in my folder, but don't bother...it's an effort) However, If you want to see em..I can show em to you sometime...
I once was here but now I am gone...I understand....
Hey, If you ever want to IM me or anything....I am here to talk pain with.

I know these do not make "Boo-Boo's Better..." (*rolls eyes*) but heres one anyhow...



skull SS
awww... i hope everything is all right!
thank you for the bday wishes! it's okay that you didn't make it out - i understand.
I hate my life, I had plans to go hang out with my brother and his wife this week, and then I end up sick again... ohh well, on a good note I got a e-mail from the people I used to live with years back when I first moved out of my parents house, I havent heard from them personaly in 2 years because...
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Ever heard the Bill Hicks song, "Chicks Dig Jerks"? It's kinda like that.

Sucks to hear that though. Hopefully she'll figure out that she needs to get out of that situation eventually.
*sigh* sometimes us girls are stupid. We don't know what we're really worth.

Anywayes... yes, I do miss those parts about being in a relationship... BUT, I'm only 19, and the freedom is all the more exciting!
Well today I managed to get out and do something, my brothers wife picked me up and we went and saw her younger brother at his last choir concert in high school, it was strange because the preformance was quite simaler to the first one of his I saw years ago while she was mine, that and the songs they had chosen brought back some...
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Yeah...I have ALWAYS liked THAT joke...although it was A 'Parrot" when I got it told to me.

I kep meaning to ask you what it is you have....I have had Rheumatoid Arthritis since I was 11...It went into remission whilst in my rebellious teens (OR, It just could have been all the drugs...who knows?) However, Last year of Film school, it came and bit my ass so hard, and now I am back in braces and Painkillers...I also try and get out as much as possible by choice...But I also work too fuckin much on too many things, I just know I am killing myself...So don't do the same...cause as you know..IT HURTS!
(Seriously tho...I have been wondering fo quite awhile what your condition is, if you don't mind sharing...)

Ex's can be a pain ion the soul...Especially recent ones...I am sorry that a comment I made about your 'gal' came up a few comments ago...I didn't realize that you even had an ex, and for some reason, I hhonestly had it in my head that you did in fact have a special someone...I have alot of weird premonitions and shit...and find myself knowing a little too much about something sometimes...and well, I make comments, and the next thing you know...I am Hated and I am being tied to a Burning pyre...

Keep strong...Those swords look TOO comfortable...Stick with That strength, just be wise, something I am sure you can contend with ANYTIME!
(Hell, anyone that can go to recitals? MAN! You ARE one tough piece of leather...THAT would drive me into a straightjacket, which, as I travelled around with my sideshow second family for 10 years showed me how to get out of...But OUCH! Knocking your dislocated shoulder joint in HURTS! POINT: Everything does, but you still get out of a worse situation...Right?)

Take Care... kiss

OOogaBOOoga.... skull SS
bahahahaha! I love that joke! It's so funny!!

Ummm... I dunno if I have the guts to outright be like "I want on"... maybe if I were under the influence. But hey, he and I are supposed to go for a beer one night... maybe I'll get the guts then!
Well friday night I went to the St patty's day/mardi gras party at a local club, got stood up by the blind date my friends arranged, then got buzzed from the first beer once it reacted with my meds, and got flashed by a good number of girls... amazing how many sympathy flashes and kisses you get when your hobbling around on crutches all night,...
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Thanks for the words of insight. I'm going through an extremely heavy struggle with myself at the moment and I'll take them to heart.
Thanks for the words of insight. I'm going through an extremely heavy struggle with myself at the moment and I'll take them to heart.
Such an interesting day I had,... it started out to be a normal dreary day with nothing to look forward to, so I went up to the store to get random munchies to keep on hand so I dont have to walk to the kitchen every time I'm hungry, and while I'm there I run across a friend of mines sister, so we talked for...
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its in Ohio, you can ask PunkNiteMike for more details...it would be cool to see you!
I effing hate school
Well saturday night I fell in the kitchen hitting the cupboard door and landing on my bad hip, so I've been incapacitated for the last 2 day.s On a good note I got a call from a old friend that I havent seen since he moved out of town, he and I used to do everything together partying, picking up girls, we even got engaged...
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ah, well. i hope we're busy tomorrow! have a fun st. patty's day! be safe!
well I finally got the results back from my mri... and I am now depressed by it and will be for awhile... it would seem that my own personal hell has come back to haunt me alot faster this time. on the other hand I had a descent time hanging out with my brother and his wife thursday night, and if all goes well then...
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Here ya go. smile

I do really love that movie and the book. I am SUCH a sucker for kids' movies and literature!!
i didn't steal any show this weekend. frown i was sick! puke