Spring break is so fucking boring. I stayed in town to work, do school-work, and I need to find more things to do. Bored off my ass atm.
Started smoking after only two days on not smoking, quiting drinking and smoking was way too much.
I should go find a book to write an analysis on for one of my classes. Suppose to be on one of the top 100 banned books, think I will do Of Mice and Men, that ending hits hard. But going to go for a run now. 2pm...
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Looking through photos for something to put up here today made me a little depressed. I can't find all the pics from this summer, which sucked because it rocked, but I also found a little surprise from this girl I was dating a few months ago. We went to meet some of her friends etc and it is the only pic I actually have of...
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I broke up with a chick almost two years ago and I'll come across photos in my albums of us, and it still brings stuff back.

You at school in Mt. Pleasant? I'm usually up there many time during the summer to jump out at the airport.
yeah, live here year round until I graduation, drop me a line if you are coming.

I have wanted to jump for awhile now, should get off my ass and do it.
What a morning, slept in, didn't have time to finish IRB for research, haven't started on program for it either. I have been a slackass the last few days. Going to have to kick it up a couple notches.
Don't have time to go through pics before I take off to campus, but will make a separate trip to get a couple up.

Current mood...
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First day here, as the name implies I am more of a lurker at times.

I read a huge story of why someone quit the site. I hope that not all of this is true. I am a guy, made most males sound horrid.

Reasons for joining are that as far as I know not many people in the area know of the site and...
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Welcome from Kalamazoo. You should join SGKazoo and SGDetroit to meet more local members. smile
I would call posting in my own journal a mistake the first time a reply the second, thanks for the groups though.