Just played a brutal game of league. don't start dorans with nunu support! and no matter how bad it looks don't surrender! we lost early never caught up on kills, however through good team work catching people out of position. won at 40 at 16 lee sin said if u don't surrender i'm quiting, and yeah it was that bad. But Do Not Quit Man...
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Played a game of LOL today, had a cait bottom that for some reason every fight with her ult. Why would that seem like a good idea? no idea but we won in the end. The worse thing about this wasn't the loss of shooting someone fleeing. It was the fact that as the whole team closed in on a target she would ult before...
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Finally getting around to using this amazing site!
Now to get stoned and play some LOL.
League of Legends if you have no idea what im talking about