There's a world a turnin out there that I just don't seem to be in step with... maybe I was once but since I slowed down, all I seem to get is vertigo.

fuck you turning world
fuck you in-step
fuck you smiles
fuck you morning
Well hey hey hey, yes... I had the birthday yesterday. Thank you muchly those sent a birthday wish my way. I'll give the full run down in a bit, but I should be getting back to my company.

And the good times just keep...on...com-ing.
yay for goodtimes and happy bday for yesterday smile
Whoa. That Six Feet Under had a definite "OH MY GOD" quality to it. Claire ought to keep things going with that guy in her office, he was hot. love I wish someone would seduce ME in a storage closet.
You wanna pop pop pop, you wanna click click click?
You wanna shoot, you wanna shoot, do you want a show?
just wanted to say hi!!
hope all is well
oh thank god you're back! i was getting worried! blush
I have all these things I've kept for you... and I don't know why I still keep them. You never asked, but I know you'd like them.

I guess I have a knack for doing the wrong thing.


hello wet pillow.

p.s. This weeks 6 Feet Under made me love life for a minute.
Please read my last journal entry, it was funny.

Please read this one, it is serious

AES, you are incredible. Please come be my new roommate. <---that was the serious part
Don't bash Belle and Sebestain in the same entry that you praise Bury Your Dead, it puts into question your credibility. Zing.
Yes I am still planning on coming up in July 20th or so. I'm not sure if that's exactly when I will be up, it may be the 19th. I know it's going to be midweek anyway, does that work for you? Oh, and I loved to hear some Solient Green when I come down.
Tough Guy Hardcore? Don't mind if I do.

Seriously though, I know the new Bury Your Dead record has been out for a while, and I've secretly wanted to hear it baased sole on the song titles. For the uninitiated, all of the song titles on the new record are Tom Cruise movies.
I don't give a shit who you are, THIS is FUNNY:

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So I just saw the new Foo Fighters video for that song Best of You.

It was good... and by good, I mean exactly like every other Mark Pellington video.
It has taken me a while to hear the new Belle and Sebestian but I finally did yesterday and I'm sorry to say but I disagree with you previous post. It has to be one of their best. You don't like them anyway though, do you? I can't remember.
Fuck, 2 ambien and I'm still up with this shit.
why does this just get all opposite day on my like this.

Is it too much to ask to just get a decent nights sleep... fuck, I'd take passing out from blood loss at this point.

Oh totally busted... yes I have always been strict about what area is called upstate too. Yes, this is known as the Southern Tier. Those bastards in Long Island and Long Island call everything upstate.
Sorry but "they" happens to be a good friend in real life of mine.