Continuing from my last post, my mind is still awakened. I am absorbing information. Most of what I have learned is that most people are even more lonely than I am. I don't know what to say about this. I feel pretty lost and uncertain thinking about all that emptyness in all those people's hearts, and I feel pretty lucky to be better off than...
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Things are interesting. My mind has awakened. I am most often a flesh-bot, but from time to time my mind wakes up beautifully. Then things become interesting. As it stands, I really have nothing to tell you. Nothing is going one, unless you happen to have a job to offer me. Currently I am simply absorbing information and recalibrating and, um, looking for a god...
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Why am I filled with this? What is wrong with me? The guy I live with proposed tonight that I am actually insane. I hope he is wrong. Rudy will await your foundation.
I am afraid of what will happen when the money runs out, which it will do in about one week.
Nobody will offer to help me. I keep everybody too far away....
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What the hell was that comment about?
I have caused my profile to become slightly more honest, which is stupid. I am set to go job hunting today, which is stupid. I have forsaken my willpower and resumed smoking, which is stupid. I am almost completely broke, which is stupid. I feel like my body is rotting out from under me, which is stupid.

There is a huge white dog in my...
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** Vomica: Signing In **
--Start Transmission--

That which is not, pretents to be. All life begins within my stretchy stomach. Send me moneys. I'm drinking cheap wine instead of whiskey, which is sad. I spend most of my empty life sat in front of a glowing screen. I write, but that is psychotic. I am blaspheming again, but I am kind. Research Vorphelia. I...
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spoken like a true discordian

The guy who shares my trailer with me is out front playing baseball by himself. He takes two pieces of honeycomb cereal, tosses them into the air, and smacks them out into the yard with his guitar. There they are eaten by chickens. He claims to have discovered the single coolest game ever. I am not entirely certain that I disagree.

There are no drugs...
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I like your profile picture!
I live for SHIT. Things are pretty cool, though.
Tonight I drink until hopefully I choke on my own vomit.

Sing me a song.

If I could recall the good feelings (hell, I know I even had a really nice one yesterday) I would be okay. There's nothing like the present to kill the joys of the past, though. I don't believe in the future....
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Ha, I wish my bed was WARM and empty. The hubby said my teeth grinding has slacked off some, he said it used to be really loud. I'm debating sleeping in the guest room tonight. I think some people were just meant to sleep alone. I'm not really a cuddler. Maybe I should get laid and drop out of work, then the grinding would stop. wink
If you close the door, the night will last forever.

I went and made love to a licky hole in the wall. Everything I hear and see about humans makes me hate them. We should just put on silly hats and run around the streets naked shitting ourselves. You are a catfish. People are made of food. I am made of food, too. It's alright....
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As you were, folks.

I'm watching an inchworm dangling from a thread outside my window, being blown around by the wind. Metaphor? I think not.

I was thinking about those dreams everybody has, where you're at work or school or something and suddenly you realize you have no pants on and it's all very awkward. The psychologists and dream interpreters say it's because you're just...
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You may have something there with the pants thing. Dontcha ever have those dreams where you have to pee real bad in your dream? That's cause you have to pee for real! I hate those dreams. I can't ever find a toilet, and when I do, it's like a hole in the ground or something. confused
I just realized I never have those pantsless dreams. And I usually wear pajama pants or shorts to bed. I think I just proved your theory, sir!
0.00010%, and not a penny less, dammit! mad