And the hits just keep on coming...

I got up this morning and did my usual morning routine, then my daughter and I walked down to the parking garage to head out and that was when I noticed that someone had stolen the rear license plate of my car. I rushed her back upstairs and to the bus stop where she was able to thankfully...
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yah you should definitly come out again.

that sucks about your license plate, thankfully the car wasn't stolen.
It has been a very long, long weekend for me. I feel as though I have barely slept and I'm upset and stressed about everything right now and just trying to keep it all together.

Over the past couple of days I had noticed that my cat seemed to be having trouble breathing. I decided to keep an eye on him and see if I...
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I'm so sorry to hear about your cat!!! And I hope he's ok soon. I have one.. and it's crazy how much they grow on you.

And I agree about more creepy guys versus more creepy girls online. I don't know why that is... I guess gilrs just don't possess the ability to be creepy? I speak in general terms lol.
"To diverse gods do mortals bow; Holy Cow, and Wholly Chao."

According to the Byzantine Empire, the world was created on September 1, 5509 BCE. The Roman Catholic Church prefers the year 5199 BCE. This is a significant difference in time from the Big Bang Theory which was to have happened around 13.7 billion years ago. Then of course, there is Puranic Hinduism,...
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Another visit to the dentist today, another 3 fillings and another $200+ (of $780) that my insurance doesn't cover. It's been 3.5 hours and the freezing still hasn't worn off and it's starting to annoy me. I have spent over $1300 on the dentist this month. My insurance will cover 80% of that, but that's still alot of out of pocket expense I wasn't looking...
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Nice pic tongue The Sailor Moon wall scroll in the background makes it that much better too smile
yeah...it's freaking hooge
The thing I like the most about having lunch in the food courts of chinese malls, is not only is the food cheap, but the portions are generally so large I can never finish it all. I ordered BBQ pork on rice today. I think I got half the pig. I could not even attempt to finish it.

I picked up a new blade for...
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I definitely agree with you about more creepy guys than girls on those sites. I almost signed up just for shits and giggles last night... but chickened out in the end. The last thing I need is another website to obsess about... ha ha

Great blade! I love the detail.
i bought that second one for my gfsmile
I know...I guess that I'm just looking at the fact that I'm not getting any younger, and my goal is to at least be on my way to bigger and better things by the time I'm 25. Not in my dream job, just on my way.

I've been stuck out in Hamilton now for 3 years, and it's been 3 years of temp jobs at factories. I'm getting to that point where I just have to make a change. I also really need to get out and be social more. Once a week is rather hard on me (in comparision to what I'd really like).
I had a very busy weekend, between weddings and visitors and karaoke I feel like I haven't slept in a week. (which is sort of almost true due to the week I had prior).

BTW, to anyone who has met me at karaoke, I realize I can come off seeming as though I am snobbish or antisocial, but I can assure you that really I'm...
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Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh ha ha... i'm a retard... I thought you looked familiar. Great pics... smile And great to meet you. I never thought a second about either you or Melantha being anything other than quiet and pleasant. Hope to see you again soon.
No worries. I don't think any of us could mistake your behaviour for anything other than being a little bit on the shy side.

I like how you worked that Simpsons reference into the comment you left me. Well done. biggrin
I will be so glad when this week is over. I was out until almost 3am on Monday, and then had to get UP at 3am on Wednesday to go to work. Then was up for almost 22 hours before getting very little sleep and working until 7pm today. This weekend is my friend's wedding so I won't be getting much sleep then either. And...
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Holy crap, I can't imagine working so much without any time off. You're pretty hardcore when it comes to your job. Also, I hope you get a full nights rest soon, and have fun at the wedding smile
Dear Telemarketers,

How do you know that I have been "pre-approved" for your credit card when you don't even know what my first name is? I find it hard to believe this would be enough information to perform a valid credit check?
When did 7:30am and 9:30pm become acceptible times to call my house? (I'm not even gonna get into the Bell door to door...
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It is indeed a sign of the apocalypse. Ack!

'Twas a pleasure to meet you last night. smile
That is definitely one of the signs of the apocalypse.
The other sign is a Starbucks on every corner.

It was nice meeting you and your lovely lady last night.
Wow, it was a long long weekend that seemed too short. I feel like I didn't do much of anything, yet somehow did all kinds of things and now it's all over. I spent my weekend doing things with one of my best friends. She and I among other things, took in Karaoke with a few other members and we had a good time. We...
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