Moving day is here!
Hope everything goes well moving hon - don't hesitate to hotwire a truck if things get too hard. smile
Yay! Wait, or not? kiss
Hurray! Our new house has internet. I feel relieved. I still dont have my computer setup, but hopefully this weekend I can get our network back up and going. Its oh so nice to be able to click on a link to something and have it open right up instead of watching something try take shape for several minutes.

I bought some paint for my...
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Orange sounds like an interesting color. I watched a segment on some show on the style network on TV and the people were talking about how hip orange is right now. I hope that you like it. Good luck painting. I once painted my walls in my old house....painting was not for me. It was THE SUCK. ...Well the first hour wasn't so bad (actually it was kinda fun) but after that I got tired and bored. I hope that u will take pics of the newly tangerine room.

Yes having to wait forever for something to load on the computer is so not the good. I don't even know if I could imagine what was like before high speed internet. .... It's hard to imagine there are ppl who still have dial up GASP eeek

Well I am very glad that you R in the new place. I bet you are too wink
So I am still without my own internet, but Thursday should put an end to that.

School this semester I think is going to somewhat enjoyable. I am really going to enjoy my computer class. I have all ready learned a few things that I have been wanting to know. I also have an art class that should be fun. I just hope I can...
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Hi! Yes, do come visit me at my site. I'm not going anywhere just yet anyway. I have a few months left.

Hope you're well. smile
Maybe after a couple years you WILL be able to afford nice cars. That's what I hope for me, anyways. Even though money isn't the most important thing in the world, it sure is nice to have. And I don't have very much of it.
Well we are down to less than a week of having to live with the grandma. There is a light at the end of the tunnel I guess wink

School starts up again on Monday. I am actually way more excited for this semester than I have been for the last couple. I hope things pan out for me, and I truly do enjoy this semester....
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At least somebody had my back on the tuna melts!
I know what you mean about the job hating...did the same thing at Outback, but I'm beginning to love it...hope you do too.
Sorry for my absence. Currently I am living at my grandma’s house and hating every moment. This computer I am on is ancient, and the internet speed feels even more dated. However I felt compelled to message my peoples and have patiently waited as the screens load to say hi to everyone. I am pretty sure by the end of next week you will start...
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Put me in a downer mood???no you could never do that.
I'm sorry you have to reside with grandma right now....I bet it's tight living quarters huh?
actually my dad wants me to move back in with him....BLAH. I really don't want that to happen.

Everything relationship-wise is great with the boy. He's moving due to the lack of work in this town....he's going back to live rent-free with his 'rents and to work at some Glass place so he can send money to me so I can pay the bills (I am just not cutting it at the theater-as much fun as it it)
....so that's the story

I don't think I am going to find a better job here in this town, so I've started applying to places that are more of a metropolis I guess. We'll see.

No, I am not going to school this semester. After careful consideration.....and lack of other options I have to work this semester so that I can save the money so I can attend the next semester....apparently I don't qualify for any financial aid...it it THE SUCK.

I'm sorry about the pup. That's very very sad.

Aw, I'm really sorry about your dog, I know how sad that is. And a slow internet connection sucks more than anything. Hope you get outta there soon!
<3 Franki
If you could be anywhere in the world right now where would you be? Personally I would love to be anywhere outside of the United States. I really want to start going places and seeing what the rest of the world is like. Yet all I know is the small bubble around me. I really hope that someday I can step into the light and...
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right now? someplace very warm...normally I'd say Thailand, but after all this tsunami stuff, perhaps somewhere else would be better......maybe Brazil.

Hope the moving is going alright. Are you all moved in yet, or still working on it?
I can't stand the rain. Thankk God for sunny Florida. If I could be aaaaaaanywhere in the world? I might try out California. Happy New Year!
<3 Franki
Well Christmas was awesome. I am very happy with the way things went. A friend of mine is visiting from out of town. We have had a lot of fun the past couple of days. I have found it really nice having him around the past few days. It feels as though the time we have spent apart never existed and things are as they...
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Well it sounds that your 2005 is going in the right direction, that's awesome. I'm determined to make 2005 a GREAT year for me...the past few months everything has been THE SUCK, so I'm optimistic about making things change.

It's rare to find a friend that you really click with. I have one friend, who it doesn't matter how long we've been apart of haven't spoken we're just as good of friends as the last time we saw each other....thank kind of thing doesn't happen with a lot of people.

Good luck on the move....is it in the same area as the old casa?
Only one more day of work to go until I get a nice extended holiday weekend. I'm looking forward to 2005. So far 2004 has not proven itself to be a very good friend. I am hoping that 2005 will do a better job at courting my friendship. It really shouldn't be hard to do I think.

I hope the holiday season is going kindly...
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smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile
Gah, I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever...I've had so much crap going on....anyway just wishing you a VERY merry christmas
Less than a week for Christmas. Getting pretty excited over here. smile Cant wait to open presents. Its going to be pretty cool. I hope everyone gets what they want smile

Did I mention that I was excited?

Until next time


Yep, the extended version of Return of the King is awesome. And so are Hanson.

Woooooooooo Christmas-- I can't wait! biggrin
Hey hey hey!

Its Friday! Pretty cool huh? Well I think so at least. Another work week is about to conclude. I think I will go in a bit early today so that I can leave sooner. Plus I need to go to the doctors later to have my toes checked out. Its kind of strange, but for the last four or five days my...
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Sprinkles......Fuck Yeah!
You're so awesome.

Your toes are numb? Weird. My toes are contantly cold, the doctor says it's most likely because I'm anemic, so my first thought was you were too, but I don't ever think my toes get numb.......anyway I hope it's nothing serious. It would be The SUCK if you had some crazy toe disease.
Well I hope that you have a fantastic week and get warm ,non-numb toes.
fridays aren't as much fun as they used to be... the only excitement I've had recently is getting off work early. but then I sit around home all day being bored... blah...

smile oh well, maybe I needa life, eh?

toes are kinda important, keep them suckas in check, yo