i got my nose pierced today, on the right side. biggrin i've got a dark blue gem. <3
my birthday was so great. i got to see my mom, my sister, my grandpa, penny (my step-grandma), my dad (which didn't turn out so well), and..... *drumroll* tiffany and riley. i wanna go all gypsy on the little guy an' snatch him. X3 (just kidding). my mom paid for my lunch, gas, and was "chauffer" for me for the day. she and rebekah got...
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there are some incredibly beautiful photos on deviantart........ some of my favorites are the landscapes, really breathtaking........ and by the way.... your very breathtaking too..... biggrin
Awe, thank you!! I shoot all the time. It sounds like you had an amazing birthday! You are lucky to have so many people that love you so much. Happy belated birthday lady! smile smile smile
i have returned from tribal solstice's workshops and the grand performance. i'm gonna go into more detail later, as to the fact that i am 1) home and SORE from dancing, 2) my birthday is tomorrow and i don't know if i'm going on my computer or not in the evening to update.

AND MY TROUPE HAS A NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

we are "tribal nimbus".

nimbus (nmbs)...
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1) I hope it rains soon. It feels so peaceful when it does.

2) So I was going to take some pics of myself for my profile, and as I got ready to take the picture, the camera died! I tried brand new batteries with it, and it turns out it is the camera itself that is broken! I was so bummed.... v_v; It was...
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Have you ever joined anything and it feels like you're still not part of it? No matter how hard you try? There's just this nagging feeling that people wish you weren't there, like you're infringing on their territory or something.
LMAO I've always been an outcast among the outcasts. There are perks, yes, but there's also a lot of frustration that comes with it as...
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thank u honey!!!
My birthday is coming up. My boyfriend asked me what I wanted, and I thought about it genuinely. First I thought about books. Honestly, that was my first thought. Then I thought maybe we should go see a movie together. He said not to limit my ideas because I don't have a job at the moment and am searching. So I thought some more, and...
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If anyone heard about the fire in Naples, FL... specifically Golden Gate Estates, that was two streets away from where I live. Scary stuff. 800 acres.

Anyone wanna hug me? ^_~

*hugz* at least your safe!!

exactly. there were others who weren't so lucky at all. i think 3 houses ended up burning. we were lucky.

i need.. something. i guess. haha. pretty vague, eh. but. i need to explore the world. i need to get away from this little town.. and so many other things...

and i need to be more creative.

so many ways.
Person #1:
-Extremely judgemental
-Abnormally negative
-Established cheater
-Sins and then throws the stones readily
-Won't help you till you benefit him
-Works on a double-standard
-Shares everyone's dirt
-Tries to intimidate and pressure everyone
-Only sees in black and white
-Sees sin and ugliness everywhere

Person #2
-Tries not to judge (everyone judges, though no matter how hard you avoid it)
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I had a great time Sunday!!! I assisted my belly dance troupe leader with a workshop. She does occassional workshops around Southwest Florida. I'm a generally shy person, so it was a big step for me out of my comfort zone, but it was absolutely worth it. Since I'm a bigger girl than my twig of an instructor, the bigger ladies felt more comfortable. Most...
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thanx hon. I'll be fine. smile Congrats on the workshop!