Well folks it's Friday night and I'm here on my Mac watching You Tube videos. After last nights drunken antics I felt the need for a quiet night in to wind the week down and I've found some cracking entertainment.

But for the benefit of those of you who remain unknowing as to the true nature of yours truly permit me to enlighten you.

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Don't crush my space marines you bastard! En garde!
smoke me a kipper, i'll be back before breakfast!
I'll take some of that stress-free.

enjoy the metal! and thank you so much for the comment on my set Double Cross! it really does mean a lot to me! i wanna be an SG so much and you're really helping me out by commenting! big hugs to you! biggrin
Just started a new course and its gonna kill me. Power point presentations to sit through every day. I might rekindle a strong caffeine addiction. Anyway, payday visits me tomorrow and it has been too long.

I been kinda hooked on stoopid cartoon songs lately whatever this is bad...

In fact its so bad I'm gonna strip the audio and use it as my ringtone biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin

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death by powerpoint is no fun!!!

the thomas is like a trio of fun! its supposed to be either a ball pit or paddling pool, its inflatable so its almost like a bouncy castle... anyway the kids (and me) love it!!!! I might even buy myself one! x
Theres a party in my tummy...
That's cute...but I hope kids who see this don't try to swallow whole carrots like this guy.
Cheers for that. I'm gonna me singing it all day now LOL!

Good evening my friends, and what a dark and mysterious eve it is...

I've just finished watching Batman Begins and I can't help but feel that Tim Burtons Batman was fantastic.
Ok yeah, this new Batman is dark and brooding and full of suspense. But is that not what we felt when we witnessed Burtons masterpiece? Times have changed and contemporary events will dictate how...
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Can't wait to see the new Batman film! But I agree, Burton's film was a masterpiece. I'll be Harlequin!
How are ya, man?

Ok so I really love Amy Winehouse, cute beehive, hot tats and a taste for narcotics. But this is where I fell in love with her for the first time...

love love love love love love love

She so awesome... x
Her hair still scares me. shocked

Just been out with the one remaining dog, Buster. Kinda weird not having the other but less hassle when confronting other people with dogs. Barney could be quite confrontational at times what with thinking he was top dog and all.

I took a few photos of the area. Quite lucky it wasn't raining really, Yorkshires not renowned for good weather!

Buster: Very definitely a doggy...
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You're all officially awesome.

Today I've been indulging my mothers every whim, it was her birthday on Friday and she had a party today, so may I present Monsieur le Dishwasher/Barman extraordinaire. C'est moi!

Bless her. The guests comprised her work colleagues, her art class compadres, some of my fathers colleagues (albeit a select few!), myself (of course) and her ironing lady. Altogether a potentially...
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Oh mate! You crack me up! Hurray for drunken postness! Family doos are so much fun!

Sounds like you had a wicked time and I really hope the hangover isn't too painful.

I went swimming today for the first time since I broke my wrist. I would've gone sooner but I guess I'm kind of lazy!
Afterwords, in the changing room, a couple of old timers said good morning and inquired as to whether or not I'd enjoyed my swim. I replied that I had and that I hadn't been for ages and they said they could...
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Well done of the swimming dude! Ah I know what you mean about the old timers. I see them running (not jogging) past my house and I envy them! Damn it!

Hidey ho neighbourinos.
Hows everyone doing today? It may be windy and slightly overcast but the sun still shines up there smile

After a stressful move to my new camp I was fortunate enough to get some well earned, albeit unexpected, leave. So here I am in sunny Yorkshire visiting the 'rents. Its mums birthday on Friday so I'll have to find something for her pretty...
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Wow, that is so cool!!