frown my dog ate 2 boxes of gushers that some how got left w/in his reach! now everytime he gets up he automaticly pukes blue foammy grossness. he doesn't even make a sound it just spills out of him. i know he fells like crap and i can't do anything about it. it's so gross though. there are 2 huge blue stains in the carpet now....
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i feel bad for your dog, but that is still fuckin hilarious... just the image tho, not his suffering
What the hell is a gusher?
i'm scared i'm hitting a low point. i'm just lonely... the fireflies in the trees and the field were so aawesome tonight it almost made takeing the dogs out enjoyable.
fireflies in trees sounds almost magical.
Better than cicadas in your hair, that's for sure.
i'm realizing that the more ihave this computer the more i'm dependent on it. like rite now i got online to see if there were anyone i wanted to talk to. whitch is fine and all but i;m think i'm trying to substitute it for real conversation. i'm lonely. i guess. i'm going to try and put the computer down. ARRR!!!
awww...well if you ever see me aim just hit me a message: aim....pbj311 wink
I'm way addicted to the computer too. So much so that I don't see it as a problem anymore.

It's not a problem is it? Nah, it's not a problem...this was a real conversation and I'm okay. Right? Whew, I was scared for a moment.
8:30 on a saturday night... i watched virgin suicides... i need to study, i have this final on monday and i am afraid i'm going to fail the quarter, i say that every quarter. i have no dought i will be a great massage theripist i just don't do very well in anatomy.
anyway, i saw Saved last night. i loved it! it was so...
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ARRR!!! i just got done watching most of the 3rd season the sex ans the city. i'm being careful to not watch an entire season in one day b/c i dont' want to get the phantom "sex and the city migrane". it really happens, i've heard it on several occasions. i like the show, too bad i'm likeing it now that it's over. that's what dvd's...
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Ya, I was sitting on the front stairs of the building I live in and 'behold' when I rose and took my first step I had 'itsy' pieces of glass in my feet. It was annoying, one I couldn't reach and eventually just stopped hurting they other ones I forceably carved out with an x-acto blade (I did more damage than was needed). I'll definitetly use your advice next time...if I forget the sandels.

Don't..feel bad about your looks..I think your cute.

I love the pic of your dog...its almost like he knows its going to be a glamor shot.

Definitely up for the picnic..maybe I will bring variety packs of cereral, you know, like the different small boxes that are in a 6 pack. I love mixing those up.

[Edited on May 31, 2004 7:38PM]
tonight i think was a good night. a bucket of beer and pop i don't drink, and a few hours later i'm ready to get to bed. today was my day off. for some of it i sat around in my pj's and watched the tv. some i ran around trying to get things for a party that didn't really happen. i got a lil'...
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worry not, there is nothing wrong with being giddy about harry potter, or shotty punk rock. I have similar weakness' and I am the coolest so its all good.
all is lost... all is lost...

a few nights ago i had this drem jerry o'connel, i think his name is, wanted to date me. before that i had a baby. the baby was bi-racial. i went to live with his family and all i ever saw of the house were these HUGE elaberate bathrooms. by the end of the dream everyone was freakingout and...
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shocked bad news and good news.
bad news... i missed the TV on the radio show last night. i'm a lame ass and don't have money and i had school. and... i have no money, oh i said that already.
good news... i took an awesome bath! it was the first time i'd taken a bath bath in my new house. so huge and old of...
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Let's go on a picnic!
ARRR!!! i have to go to work. but all i want to do is sleep. i'm excited b/c i'm bidding on these 2 copper picture things of the last supper. i'm curently the highest bidder. that seems weird but my bathroom down stairs is all "catholic" esk. it's great. and weird. alrite i'm off to work.
i knew everything was going too well. i over drew my account by 3 dollars! damn it. i'm such a loser! well at least i get paid friday. so my dog Windex, is the cutest dog in the entire world! he's so round and loves me soo much. oi it's a long week! 6 days of work in a row, ARRR!!!
Windex...smile..sounds cute. Yea I have been working my arse off too...way to much. I'm not sure about what your schedule is like but its just awkward to see the moon fully bright at night as I'm driving home, then when I go to work in the morning I still see the moon glowing but going away as the sun is chasing it.
today was better then yesterday... i still fell a lil' poopy and want a lil' affection. BUT! when i went to target i got my TP for free!!!! it's as if the gods are shineing down upon me! tomarrow i'm sleeping in and doing whatever i want. no messages. no work. just me and my wonderful bed. ARRR!!!