I went out of my comfort zone for the last fire and dance of the season. I usually just hang out on my porch and listen from afar to the same damn playlist they play at every get together. I basically used the fire for an excuse to fuck with my camera. Gotta love a nice fire on a cool summer night.


It's the beginning of September and it's already only 45°. I'm not ready for the cold alone again. My dog won't even cuddle. I need the heat of another living thing in bed with me. Just give me 20 blankets I suppose.


Truck didn't pass inspection and needs a bunch of bullshit. Looks like I'm wasting the rest of the summer. Hopefully this mountain air keeps me sane.

This is probably the one time I wish I lived in the city. Everything is pretty spread out here.


The last couple weeks I've been feeling a little less depressed. I've actually been getting out of bed and feel like I can leave the house. I'm still dead inside but I feel like things are ok.


A good amount of wild blueberries from today. A plus of living in the middle of nowhere.

Hmm, pancakes? Muffins? If they last that long. They are so flavorful!
I love them! I usually eat them for breakfast with cereal n soy milk ❤️

It's 7am and I'm just getting home. I had a good night with some of my favorite people. It's nice to feel like my presence is appreciated. Good laughs were had, to the point of my throat hurting and having to walk out of the room to catch my breath. Being the fifth wheel with these two couples doesn't feel like you're the odd person...
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I finally match with someone who is my type on tinder and I wait too long to message her and she either deleted the match or tinder. I'm an idiot and I swear sometimes that I'm my biggest enemy when it comes to my own happiness. Well, I own a mirror, so, I know when someone's too good for me. #uggo