Home in the Redwoods!!

Finally made it back to my home in the woods after a few days of being stuck in S.F. I'm so glad to be back in California. New York was awesome and fun, yet I'm happy to be back.

I'm really hoping all my plans flow smoothly. It's work season here in Cali. Now I just have to figure out the...
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Ahhh the redwoods are where my heart lies ...I miss it dearly!
Well looks like its my last week here at the Omega Institute. Good times have been had and many more to come.

Oh crap. Phone is about to die...... ..more to come once again! Now I go hence I to the rain.
Holy life and fucking hell.

Burning Man sure did a number on me. Every single year, within a week of burning man I experience the highest and lowest kinds of life. This year was only a little different, but really the same.

Going from NY to Cali then off to BM back to Cali and now back to NY. In between all this I've had...
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I'm back in Cali!!! Only for a week and then off to Burning Man! This will be Epic! I'm so
Looking forward to seeing the redwoods again.

As of now I just finished 16 hours of traveling and waiting between flights. I hate layovers on flights. I'm flying nonstop from now on cause this day was fucking exhausting. Though I did just a dance in...
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haha sounds legit, damnnnn i'm so jealous, burning man ! i've wanted to go for years, and know i will soon. let us know how epic your adventures were : ]
Oh you fucking emotions! How can they jus flip my fucking lid and turn me upside down and almost inside out?

I simply CPU d out that my last partner is now in loved with another fellow and I learned that I am still rather attached to the idea of being with her. I left for the summer and it remained ambiguous as to what...
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Hope everything goes well for you (and your love life) soon!
Thank you for your kind words! smile
Thank you!

Okay. One of my favorite meditations is the Body of Wind. Since you are a lover of the outdoors you'll e able to do this I e easily.

Find yourself out in nature, somewhere you are very comfortable, and take a seated position. Depending on the intensity desired you may enjoy a steady breeze or powerful gusts.
A note of attention: do be in...
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Rainy day journal in the Hudson valley NY. I'm resting up after a long weekend working A/V for a festival as a stage hand. The fest was kinda boring, but I learned a lot and had fun. I might be in the Cape Cod news paper actually. I picked up a hoop and started spinning and apparently I was the best there cause every one...
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Life is fucking crazy. How do I end up with half a dozen girls interested in me. Two of which we fool around one of which we do more. Another is so reduculously hOt and Venezuelan I can't resist her for a moment. Another that called me out on being manipulative, which I do t mean to be, but I am in a very flirtatious...
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What is your favorite time of hiding in the shadows while stalking your victim(s) and performing a master ninja stealth "kill"?

Just now while on my way to my tent here at a retreat center in NY I seized a perfect opportunity.

I was passing the meditation building and noticed it unlocked. Just then my co worker came driving up on the golf cart to...
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COSM is fucking awesome!! Dancing to some dope crunk dubstep while 10 feet for Alex and Allison Grey was so magical to experience. Those two are bad ass.

I would have taken pictures, but I always feel like a dork when all I have is an iPhone. I guess I could have anyway, but oh well. I was too busy dancing!

When I made it...
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