Knee update: Well, it seems that my previous doctors were jackasses. When I gave the ever-so-exciting history of my knee to my doctor, she was horrified that more hadn't been done. Short version of history--I have a condition where my kneecap does not follow its usual track but, instead, kinda goes around it and shreds mucho cartilage during the process. Common problem in female athletes....
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I had x-rays, but I'm going to try another orthopedist-one my GP recommended this time (haven't been doing anything, even running in more than 6 months). I've had other things that have kept me off the trails, but I am going to get back on things soon.

The dog is a shih-tzu mix.
Sorry to hear about your knee... I remember before Steve Irwin died, he did a show all about his getting knee surgery thanks to all the injuries he'd sustained over the years hiking etc. It was interesting to watch (but then again I like watching surgery much more than the average person...) What they did to him was snip away the chewed-up cartilage and tissue, so that it was all nice and smooth again and, I guess, that makes it easier for injuries to heal. Maybe they'll do something similar on you.
I can bend my knee!!

This makes me happy because it would only bend a couple of inches for most of the day. It was just like that when I woke up. Some swelling, but nothing major. Some pain in the MCL area, but nothing major. Kneecap a little off kilter, but not much more than usual. I could walk and stand around with no...
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yeah, the one thing i'll say i manned up on was setting up a blind rappel off a full pitch. it was the first time i'd ever done that. we're not talking first time outside the gym but first time ever ever. the way the pitch was set up i couldn't see if i'd gotten the ends even or anything, and due to highway noise i couldn't even hear the belayer; i just had to set it and go slower than i would have otherwise.
i manned up simply because i did something somewhat stupid but managed to do it right the first time even despite being very nervous about it, maybe?
actually feel a lot better thanks though smile

glad your knee is feeling better.

Oh and boobs make me feel a lot better too when i look at them or touch them smile
I am really, really tired of the phrase "man up." The last two times I heard it used, the "man" was bragging about how he "manned up" by (1) getting a little strip of his leg hair waxed, and (2) riding on a zipline, complete with absurd amounts of safety equipment, after several women had already done the same thing in front of him. So,...
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Getting your leg waxed and riding on a zipline is not what I understood manning up to be. 'Man up' is an instruction to be barked at anyone crying over nothing or whinging to stop doing what they're doing. Any man who considers doing such 'manly' activities as examples of manning up is not guilty of being a male stereotype, he is only guilty of the universal crime of being deluded.

I do like your usagel
I have never even heard that phrase before.... confused

Maybe it would be fun to invent other phrases by using a combination of noun + preposition like that; the possibilities are many. Or maybe, I am just in a weird mood today....
SNOW!! OMG!!!!!!11!!! SNOW!! eeek

Hee hee . . . I got to cancel class since the bus doesn't come here on its "snow route." No way I was driving. Texans + snow + driving = bad idea. Now I'm wondering what will happen if I get a teaching job in bumfuck North Dakota, a place that has abundant snow and sparse public transportation. Hmmm. How does...
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it's actually not too hard, you just go out in a parking lot and dick around for a while. pretty soon you figure out you can't really stop and that it's a hell of a lot of fun to take turns with the e-brake on.
at least you're in good company out here on the coast. driving in snow isn't a skill folks up here have...
i honestly only came because you have a latin based name. i'm a classics nerd deep in my heart so i had to come check out your profile. at first i thought it was conjugated incorrectly but now i realize i just forgot my second person plural, perhaps.
i took a lot of latin through middle and high school. as a result i'm quite rusty. we got up to reading through Caesar's "De Bellum Gaulicum" and that's as far as i went.
i'd really like to find someone to translate a quote by Aesclepius back into his native Greek so i can add it to my tattoo.
i find ancient ways of living to be fascinating. i started with the Romans and have been steadily moving backwards until now i'm very interested in the life habits and skills of our native groups up here and in general.
It sounds like you're more into the Latin side of things...true?
First dissertation chapter? Finished.

Now, I sleep. Tomorrow, I come here to catch up with y'all and enjoy all the sets I've missed recently.

Final thought for the evening: commitment is kinda cool. I haven't eaten all day, so I was ravenous AND brain-dead after another 10 hour school day . . . . I come home to biscuits & gravy and beer, courtesy of...
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sunday should be fine.
give me a call.

Man, I just read your blog about the kkk student in your lit class. That's just another example of why I'm glad I'm not in school anymore (graduated last spring) the more I looked at the rules the more I realised that the institution is no longet purely about learning and expanding your mind. Maybe that 's why so many collage kids do phychadellics instead - maybe that's why I did phychadelics, who knows. But I digress, The pentagram was a couple days old when I shot that set last year. Now I have a calf sleave of pretty koi fish and 3 days ago I got the outline of my Octopuss done. It covers my right thy, hip and a little of the lower back. He looks so rad. I'll post a picture - I actually have a camera now!

Glad to hear that the dissertations partly done! Yippeeeee!
Okay, it's been a while. I had to take a brief hiatus to deal with some stuff, but now all is good.

I just discovered the band Gogol Bordello. They are fucking amazing. What is perhaps most fascinating to me about them, though, is that their singer and my brother look EXACTLY alike. Same features, same hair, same moustache, same body type, similar mannerisms ....
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Maybe your brother and that guy are, in fact, the same person! eeek I mean, have you ever seen them together at the same time? Hmm? wink

Anyway, I'm glad to hear that you survived that yucky student. (Did she survive you, though? wink ) And that tiger kitty cub sounds supremely cute. miao!! blush I'd probably try to pet it and get my hand bitten or something, though.... confused
Flipping hell. I always wanted a big mad beard but never let my moustache go wild. As soon as it touched my lips I would trim it, if only to stop the really disgusting habit of sucking rainwater out of it. It was disturbingly tasty.
Life has been good for the past . . . well . . . several months. I'm not used to that. I was discussing the sudden normalcy and contentment in my life and, as usual, her comments were eerily apt. She asked me if it felt like I was emerging from a dark, dank tunnel into the sun for the first time in a long...
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Why are there still bats all over the damn place? I mean, I like bats and all, but isn't it time for a turkey background or something?
Because SG is too punk rock to go to the birds?
They don't have the funds.
First Annual Halloween-Themed Post:

During my breaks from heavy-duty and vomit-inducing intellectual activity, I've been watching "Ghost Hunters" on the Sci-fi channel. I've always been rather skeptical about the presence of supernatural beings in our world, but there is some really freaky shit on that show. eeek

Ever seen it? Do y'all believe in ghosties and goulies?

On a related note, are y'all dressing up for...
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You know, I had forgotten how many morons there were on this site.

Masturbatory, self-congratulating, vindictive, smug tripe parading as intelligent discourse . . .

And poorly-written at that.

Remind me to avoid the boards in the future. They hurt my brain in that "you're getting dumber" way.

Worse, even, than grading these damned SATs.

Try the 420 board. Its my favorite. You expect that shit! But its all about the herb, man... (done in Brian's voice from Half Baked)
The boards here are very poor. Yas.