I was chatting with someone the other day about the different ends of the camera and how we prefer on end over the other. I had never thought to even be on either end until recently. I only thought of the idea because in a panel someone suggested to me that I find a hobby to take my mind off of the future clients that
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Oh man! I have been trying to catch this lil guy for the past couple days. He has surely been taunting me, I know it!!!

Every time I would leave the house he would be there just mad dogging me. Kinda like that... The moment I would head back into the house, get my camera and return.... Gone, vanished, no where in sight.

At this
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So I will be honest, I never understood the homework here. I mean I get it is to get us interacting with hopefuls and Suicide Girls but is it for members as well? I have noticed a few members doing the homework and the topic is one that I can get on board with so here goes...

Goals... These are things that I have never...
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So today I went to get my reward for surviving the semester. I must admit it was quite painful but as you can see so worth it. This was only the first session and I cannot wait till its completion. This was done by Billy Haydock not only is he an artist but really a cool guy to hang with. Well have an awesome summer.

The ribs were as expected... but those two lil' pup's OMG!!!! But either way it was all more than I expected. 
Before I got my ribs done, I siked myself up so much (that and a mixture of getting super fucking high) I passed out and hit my head on a toolbox. Got a concussion and had to reschedule lmao

There are times where I feel so… trapped. Is it the circumstances that made me this way or me that made the circumstances? I often wonder if I were more of a risk taker if I would be in a better place. Or would I be lost in the streets fighting for my next meal. As a diabetic from practically birth I really had no...
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Sometimes the walls we build are stronger than the ones that people erect around us.  These walls protect us and insulate us from the world.  From pain, from hurt, from failure.  Sometimes it's good to break down those walls and live outside of your comfort zone, but to do that you need to open yourself up to the possibility of losing, of being hurt, of failing.  Is it worth it?  Maybe.  It can be.  There's the difference between just being alive and truly living.  But safe is also comfortable.  Not everyone needs to be challenged.  Live as you choose, but without regrets.

To begin I was going to school to accept my fate and take my D in stats. Yes not happy about that one but it has been a stressful semester with shit at home and school Hospital stays and all kinds of unnecessary bullshit.

But I got to class and talked to the professor, come to find out that even if I bomb the final...
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In your super-logical,


bumbling way,

with halting speech

and much digression,

you explain that male

mathematicians are rarely


”Oh by the way.

did I mention that this theory

is largely unproven, but

nevertheless, quite probable?”

because of a pre-natal

super-dose of testosterone

to the left side of the brain

which suppresses the right

side of the brain

where you are...
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So today I went to redo a project and record a mock interview for my Interviewing and Counseling class. As I get done and go and wait for the bus I notice these fellas next to the bus stop.

A friend of mine pointed out that there is a nest in one of the parking lot lights on campus and I believe that this guy
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I thought of you today.

I thought how lovely you looked

Basking in the sun the day we met.

I remembered the smell of honeysuckle in the air.

I thought of you…

And I smiled.


Today I went to my friends house and helped him with a statistics program for his class and brought my camera because he has peacocks that live in his neighborhood.

I found them interesting to look at to say the least. My buddy was like, "Eh, their birds". I guess I can understand seeing as they are the noisiest animals I have heard. Here are...
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