Interesting day today.....

I am not sure where to begin at the moment, perhaps at my desk this morning......

Oscar told our supervisor about his friend who needed a job and got hired on, congrats to him. Well, I am starting to notice this friend of his is becoming quite rude. He came over today while Oscar and I were in mid conversation and completely...
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Thanks for everyone's support....

It was a pretty decent weekend, I got my truck worked on before I went to my dads house on Saturday and let me tell you, you can feel a big difference in performance. My next project is tires and then hopefully I will be set for a while.

It was really great seeing my daddy, its a rare occasion when...
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Father/Daughter relationships are something that are like nothing else. I wish I had such a special one. My dad isn't the greatest, but I try not to let it get to me. We do have our moments, but even then I wouldn't call it "special" by any means. So I am glad you have that and enjoyed yourself. smile I am so happy for you! YAY! Oh and that is so great about your truck. Having a vehicle gives you so much freedom. My boyfriend and I are currently in the process of buying our first vehicle this week actually. I hope all goes well. I am glad at least some things are looking brighter for you. It makes me smile. smile *hugs* I hope in time the rest follows behind. You deserve some peace and happiness, dear. Keep us updated in all that is occurring. Much love....
hugs to you !
Good Afternoon SG......

Life seems to be getting more complicated as the days go on......

From finding out I need to watch my every move to my truck needing major repairs to, well, other personal things going on in my life; I have just about had it. On the upside my job rocks and I have the coolest supervisor in the world along with some...
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Congrats on the cool job! smile Wish everything else was better. I wish there was something I could do. Everything will work out somehow, I promise. I firmly believe that Karma has a way of getting those back who have done wrong, so even if you don't believe that I do I will have faith in that for you smile *hugs*
I like the decor in your cubicle. And I didn't realize that you live in such a mountainous area. The terrain is gorgeous!
I am so scared.....

I couldn't sleep last night to save my life, I kept waking up in fear. It got so bad that I turned on my tv, the light is very comforting to me. When I woke up to go to the rest room I would look over my shoulder out of fear someone might be watching me frown I hate this feeling.

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I am sorry that you have to live in fear, hun! *hugs* Yes, I think this person should pay and I hope they do to the fullest extent of the law! I wish you the best. Just keep smiling and keep in mind that soon this creep will be off the streets.
Be strong, confident and tell yourself that there is nothing to fear! I know you can do it, don't let the fear control you, you are in charge, you can do what you want, don't be afraid!
I don't know where to begin......

I found out today from Tiger and my mom that the guy that attempted to steal Tiger's bike made bail..... madmadmad Not cool, the DA stressed to Tiger and my mom to be aware of all of our surroundings and report any unusual activity going on in my neighborhood. WTF, seriously??!?!?! madmadmad I am so fucking pissed, I leave for work...
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My gosh....be careful over there.

Rather than a knife....maybe pepper spray? I think they make pepper spray keychains. It's bulky, but will keep the bad guy much farther away than a knife.
Wow... Sometimes I shake my head about what the law and some people's " rights " are ...
It's been one of those mornings.......

My truck is needing major maintenance that I can't afford and I don't feel safe on the road because of it mad all this morning it has been nothing but stupid fucking people on the road, I am so tired of it, especially when it causes me to freak out.

Found out yesterday the trial might be postponed indefinitely, hopefully...
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Postponed indefinitely ..?
Oh I am so sorry. I am in the process of trying to get a vehicle for my boyfriend and I. I personally do not drive, but he lives a few counties away from me and needs a new vehicle to get back and forth and to visit me more often so I am trying to help with that. I hope things get worked out with the trial. Their really needs to be some justice with the situation and postponing it just gives the wrong message. It lets those who did wrong get by with it without punishment which they obviously deserve and the ones who suffered from it have no absolution. So I wish you the best outcome with that. I hope something positive comes out of the situation. A crime deserves some sort of punishment. That is a certainty. Good luck getting a new vehicle or at best getting a new/used one that is safer for you to use. I would hate for you to hurt yourself. *hugs* smile
so I am finally at work.....

I took a look at my work load, and yeah, I am slammed. Not sure if I will get completely caught up before Wednesday but I will try like hell.

there are these two guys I work with, they are really nice but I swear I don't think they are all there sometimes with the way they interract with...
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Good luck with everything. Don't kill yourself trying to get everything done. No one is perfect just do what you can handle. :-) As for the guys, there is a lot of weirdos, so who knows, but you are right is never right to judge. They may be completely awesome just in a quirky sort of way.
Thank you to everyone for all of your support.....

It means so much to me to know that I have all of you backing me up and supporting me, I just wish I could take you guys to court with me biggrin

Today is going to an extremely busy day, I am dreading it in a way but then again I work for the coolest company...
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Good luck today.
Good luck. I wish you all the best. No matter happens, keep smiling. Never let anyone or anything get you down. Things will improve no matter what the situation. You are always in control. Never forget that! *hugs* smile
So I am really stressed out.....

Because Wednesday I have to go to court to testify against the guy that attempted to steal Tiger's bike, but you already know that from my last blog. I guess I am afraid because of retaliation on his part, I just don't know. confused

So I started walking again and I am eating a lot better than I was; salads,...
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Hope everything goes well for you in court.
I hope all goes ok with court
Ugh what a long week....

It's been an exhausting one, that's for sure. I have been so busy at work I haven't had much time for anything, when I take my breaks it goes by so fast that I don't have time to sign in and blog like I want too. I am also behind at work because they assigned a new client to me...
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We are ALL hoping for a new set soon!
Never good to fall behind...