Just back from a week crewing a tall ship from Jersey - France - Poole. Knackering work but so fulcing worth it! Now it's time for a shower, shit and shave before heading to my new girls place for a night of sex and food. Life is gooooooooooooood!
Feeling the love mate!!!

Tall ships!! Geeze, as a rigger I chase up all the old stuff off the masted ships, but never got the opportunity to try my sea legs in a real scenario.

So It's bloody Innamincka and Bourke and Wills graves for me. (Furthest place from the coast in Australia by the way!)

PS Appreciate the art work. Cheers
It's awesome, if you get the chance jump at it!

New tattoo work this week so stand by for a large update smile
I'm a very happy man today, things are going well with the girl geek I'm dating and I go on holiday on Friday biggrin

I hope (if anyone is reading this) that your day is happy and positive smile
It's been a great weekend, I met a girl and all that shit biggrin

Happy days!
I'm back from the rally to Barcelona, had an amazing time and drove for 1500 miles in 3 days biggrin

Back to the normality of work...
you have amazing tattoos
Thank you! Looking forward to having the back piece completed at the end of June (two day sessions in a week!)
My god, thank you Jagermeister for my condition today. Free drinks at their event last night and an early train home means I feel like shiiiiit. puke

Great night though biggrin
So it's my 30th Birthday. I don't feel too bad about being 30 I guess, it is just a number after all... The sun is shining and my brother bought me flights to Hong Kong to go see him at Christmas, happy days!
Being trapped in the UK has it's perks, the sun is shining, cricket is on TV and it's only a couple more days till I head to Sweden for my next tattoo session biggrin

Happy easter all
It's been a while, things are going great! I have met a girl, work is going well and the sun is shining! I hope you are all very happy on this charming Friday afternoon biggrin
I'm really hitting life hard at the moment... Work is tough but rewarding and my social life is also tough but rewarding! I will have to calm things down soon, I think I'll start my 30's slowly... Maybe...