the fucking cat pissed on the bed...we're doomed

...new song, "hollywood is weird"

rhodeislandmusic is in the studio tomorrow - finishing the debut cd,

maybe there is hope.

who are you?

do you play in pez band?

i got my voice back. rehearsal for the record release is going well...

october 15th 2378 gelndale blvd. LA...in silverlake on the roof of PANTY RAID...totally DIY.

richard parsons 4pm
rhodeislandmusic 5pm
allegra gellar 6pm
arms up, stalk! 7pm

Happy Bday!!!
marissa took a shower and i never got to know her
she made it sixteen years without ever really trying
marissa took a shower and i had my way with her
she made it sixteen years on a plan, a plan for dying

and i want you
i want you
i want you dead...

and i want you
i want you
i want you dead...

i can't wait for our mini practice tomorrow!
Thank you so much for the offer. I'm looking for work in the game industry, or else I will go back to school to refine my skills. I'm reluctant to move away from here, though, so I will definately keep you in mind if I start looking into alternatives to the game industry.

What was the conclusion to the case of the missing girlfriend? Everything turn out ok?
two days and we re-group for rehearsal. in the meantime, we've each been swamped...GL3 in houston handing out shirts for american apparel...then in NYC for CMJ. pez has been job hunting and learning new bass guitar techiques...i have been getting a print lab up and running...pixels digital imaging. stress. blood pressure. lack of alcohol.

two days and all is back to normal. for now. i...
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if anyone is interested you can listen to this....it's called QUICKSAND

Hey. Normally I don't add strangers that don't post in my journal, or who don't have many journal entries for me to size them up with, but there was enough material from your website for me to size up. You seem like ok folk. I like your music.
You seem selective about adding people, I'm curious how you got to my profile? Also, what's with all the pictures of Vancouver? I really like the website, by the way.
That was a nice post, thanks. smile What does your girlfriend do as a freelancer? Is it not knowing where the next paycheck is coming from that makes her unhappy?
Being an Alaskan, I'm a huge fan of the Pacific Northwest. Oddly enough, I've never been to Vancouver, it looks beautiful! I'm madly in love with Portland, but it looks like Vancouver could threaten that romance. They have a healthy little game industry there too, I hear.
back from the land of the dead who can't stay silent. running from the FOX. looking for some truth.

...it'd good to be back.

since i'm here. my name is jeremy. i eXist as 1/3 of a band called allegra gellar and 1/4 of a band called rhodeislandmusic. i am not a game designer, nor have i ever been to rhode island. i do...
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oh you didn't know?.. we are conquering the world sir, just so slowly no one can see it coming......

and yes.. i've been rocking and beating more already......

love u!
how about an ad?

i'll be playing this sunday in los angeles - see

or go here to hear music

i don't really have much to say. but i'll try...thoughts -

1. people should stop trying to get life in order. just flounder. i find it works.

2. mochi should shut the fuck up.

3. i would like to buy the new macha cd but nobody seems to want me to have it.

4. i'm still in love.

5. be honest. always.

6. the government...
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1. on 3. i'm gonna get it cos noones here to tell me not to...i'll let you know how it is.....

2. on 4. you and ro both make me cry with your happiness, you both deserve it so much and it makes life for me easier knowing that you both have it. just don't lose it of lock in you closet..look at it every day and remember before.

3. on 5. why is this so hard for so many fucking people...fear is killing them all...

4. on 1. i was born to desire order.i killed that when i was kicked out. now i desier knowing why the suns still shining, why we can't see the wind, and why people let things that've fucked them up to keep them fucked up....let it go people, they're still contolling you..control yourself.

5. on 6. it already has, they're just scrambling now to keep up the facade.

6. i love you and we'll soon be the what we were supposed to be years ago.
sunday is the day....the day of ghettos and inking old skool baby...

call me.
she's talking about the bonus.......it's also on that morr comp i burned for you....a long time ago.....missing you too!...do you ever talk to amy?..she sends me missing messages via keyboard and fingertips today as well....not sure still what's going on or now what i want to be or what is or what was or anything...........slightly askew but trying to see.........love.
thoughts edited and deleted
I dunno, I just got on here...it's a bit lacking in interactivity, i suppose. To answer your question, I'm in Los Feliz. Actually, I live really close to Zen, where we've been doing a residency this month. What's your band called?
and all of us orphans are finding out where home was all along....... with each other... but the sun keeps us warm and the salt air keeps our eyes from getting to o o hazy so we can see all there is inside and all that there will be.