My birthday is tomorrow (or today depending upon your geographic placement). I got a call from work a short time ago about a problem that i need to investigate so i have to go into work early tomorrow. This seems to be a fairly typical scenario for me on my birthday. My 21st birthday was celebrated taking a mid-term in a night class mid-week.

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happy birthday to you!!!

apr 29...folks who also share our birthday
uma thurman
jerry seinfeld
daniel day lewis
and more

hope yours is great!
Happy birthday!!! kiss

I've been to a few SG events here in Portland, all at Dante's. They've all been a good time but Sunday nights are for relaxing at home, getting ready for the week of work to come. The irony is that i work just three blocks from Dante's so i could just stay out all night and walk to work in no time! shocked

Anyway, one night...
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I've been a member for a few months and i see a trend in what i do here: i read the boards, i read some of the groups (especially the Guns group that i moderate), i read the journal entries of some of the SGs, and i read the journal entries for some of the members. Do you see the trend? I read but rarely...
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What does it take to get people to post a response to my journal? shocked
Cold, hard cash never hurt, either.
asking a question like that helps. I checked in with you awhile ago and you hadn't posted...I sorta gave up on checking in. Glad to see you're still around!
It's been awhile since i posted, but unlike others who have fantastic reasons for their absense, i have none. I've just been working, living, working, living... repeat as necessary.

I'm really impressed with the SG's who are students right now. Their dedication to their education is awesome, and can only help them in latter life. Faith is a perfect example. Homework on a Friday night....
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(((shameless plug)))

Check out the Suicide Girls Gun Owners group! smile
Internet Time.

I had heard about it well before i actually had a computer of my own. It meant that vast amounts of time were lost while you were on the internet. You swear it was only 15 or 20 minutes, but you missed two meals. confused When i first got internet service, i was up ALL night watching webcams as they showed sunrises around the...
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I'm frustrated.

I have a serious crush on a stunning woman love (see previous post) and because of circumstance nothing will happen.

I meet a really nice woman over the holidays and she just started emailing me. But she lives in Wisconsin. tongue

There's another local woman that flirted like she was interested (i bought some suits from her). I gave her my number but told a...
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Don't give up on your crush - you never know what might happen. One woman emailing you and another calling you to ask how your suits are? Sounds like you aren't experiencing any kind of drought.

Women - so much to say about them, in fact, notebook fulls in my desk - truly a beautiful world, until you get married frown - bad idea
Oh man, those last two journals kinda got to me...even so much that I can't post some smartass reply smile

While it seems like it's making you happy, i'm not sure if it's better to have the crush and let it take you, or to stomp out any glimmer of hope.

Good luck
Today's Topic: Crushes

There are many forms of crushes, it seems. The differences seem to be tied to your age when you have them. When in grade school, one might have a crush on a teacher. It's hardly a romantic feeling, and sure as hell shouldn't be sexual. eeek

Then in your teens, a crush is more about your hormones and funny feelings and wanting to...
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To be crushed as you currently are is a beautiful thing. Better that than hate someone and get eaten up inside. You're right about the age thing: In our 30s we know more about love and people. The storm of adolescence subsides and we begin to see more clearly what intimacy is. Stay close to this one. Chances are she may soon discover he isn't the one and she'll need a good friend to turn to....
i'm glad to know that i'm not the only guy in his 30's who still gets crushes. my latest crush is only 21 and i thought age was an issue. of course, the guy she just hooked up is 41 and has the same first name as me. that sucks doesn't it?
New school:

smile frown whatever confused love mad wink eeek shocked tongue
surreal biggrin oink bok kiss robot puke blackeyed skull miao!!

Old school:

why thank you.

yeah, the "babies" thing...more wishful thinking than anything else.
i don't pray either, even if i could believe in a god, i don't think it would really appreciate all my prayer starting out "Oh shit...."

"I'm your density.." makes me laugh everytime i see it. biggrin
so of the two which are you?
Tomorrow is in fact another day, but as soon as it arrives it is again a full 24 hours away.